Biden has stepped down

he will step down as president within a few days
No he says he will be concentrating on being President until the election.

the Labour Government might want to be a little less hostile to the idea of working with him.
LOL I have no idea where you get your garbage from. They will work with who ever gets the job just as when the Tory ignored Biden until he was elected.

Trump concerns a number of leaders, right, left, centric or what ever. He's a loose cannon boat rocker in terms of the post WWII world. One example is provide your own boots. The only way the EU for instance could form a sizeable armed forces is by uniting. There was mention of forming a sort of UN of their own probably aimed in this direction.

Russia marouding across Europe. Under Biden highly unlikely for pretty obvious reasons down to the UN. Under Trump? I wonder. Spouting is ok but actual actions count in the end.
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Sad to say it, but there will be potential Democrat voters that don't want a woman and voters that don't want another black president.
If they want to beat the Trump bandwagon they cannot afford to alienate any voters, a non controversial safe pair of hands needed if they want to stand any chance.
Sad to say it, but there will be potential Democrat voters that don't want a woman and voters that don't want another black president.
If they want to beat the Trump bandwagon they cannot afford to alienate any voters, a non controversial safe pair of hands needed if they want to stand any chance.
and there will be an equal amount of middle class looney left virtue signallers who will go that extra mile to vote for anyone who is not male and white - and they are probably the biggest group of racists that exist now.
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and there will be an equal amount of middle class looney left virtue signallers who will go that extra mile to vote for anyone who is not male and white - and they are probably the biggest group of racists that exist now.
Any source for that delusional thought?
No he says he will be concentrating on being President until the election.

LOL I have no idea where you get your garbage from. They will work with who ever gets the job just as when the Tory ignored Biden until he was elected.

Trump concerns a number of leaders, right, left, centric or what ever. He's a loose cannon boat rocker in terms of the post WWII world. One example is provide your own boots. The only way the EU for instance could form a sizeable armed forces is by uniting. There was mention of forming a sort of UN of their own probably aimed in this direction.

Russia marouding across Europe. Under Biden highly unlikely for pretty obvious reasons down to the UN. Under Trump? I wonder. Spouting is ok but actual actions count in the end.
The point you are missing is IF he backs her HE WILL step down.

If he doesn't, it speaks volumes.

and almost every labour government minister being interviewed on TV looks awkward when asked about working with Trump. They need to work on that, for the great of the country (ours that is)
and there will be an equal amount of middle class looney left virtue signallers who will go that extra mile to vote for anyone who is not male and white - and they are probably the biggest group of racists that exist now.

NUUUURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ROFLMAO:
Who in their right mind wouldn't?
He's a tw@t of the highest order.
They may HAVE to work with him, and I am sure they will if he gets in.

Necessity obviously, not desire.

Just shows how much USA politics controls ours, and people say it doesn't matter who is POTUS.
Sad to say it, but there will be potential Democrat voters that don't want a woman and voters that don't want another black president.
If they want to beat the Trump bandwagon they cannot afford to alienate any voters, a non controversial safe pair of hands needed if they want to stand any chance.
Suggestion that, if she's their candidate, they will try to mitigate by ensuring the running mate is a middle aged or slightly older white male to appease.
HE WILL step down.
He has stepped down - fact. Other details from him come later this week.

almost every labour government minister being interviewed on TV looks awkward when asked about working with Trump.
I explained why and actually you would get similar views from the Tory. Fact is either party will be inclined to listen to him if he becomes President. It doesn't matter who is in power here. Much the same in other countries - he worries them.

Actually when Republicans are asked about their biggest problem the reply has been the man himself mostly relating to his mouth and what comes out of it. However the Republicans are currently Trump's party. They want to be elected so don't have much choice. He Trumped them recently. Changed man speech due to being shot at. It lasted for around 5min then out come his usual tirades for the simple reason that his followers love his ideas. Now covid "fixed" the election that he lost. He was cheated out of winning and did really.
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