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will become anything but "single".
Were any of those arrested in Stockport arrested and charged for single instances of criminality? So if your house gets broken into, police will only charge someone if they burgled your neighbour as well? Crime is crime, downplaying certain crimes is wrong. I believe that assault should take preference over criminal damage, but both should be investigated. The Purge has just passed, happens every August Bank Holiday.
Were any of those arrested in Stockport arrested and charged for single instances of criminality? So if your house gets broken into, police will only charge someone if they burgled your neighbour as well? Crime is crime, downplaying certain crimes is wrong. I believe that assault should take preference over criminal damage, but both should be investigated. The Purge has just passed, happens every August Bank Holiday.
Don't try and play down the riots and rioters.

A safe society needs strong rules in place to keep everybody safe. Once it breaks down, it's a very unsafe place to be.

All crime needs to be addressed, but keep priorities in place.

The plate person is a criminal that the police didn't react to properly. But it is not comparable to societal breakdown.
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Oh dear. A lot of people jailed after the disturbances were not even there. Some people posted stuff online and Stalin got upset. I would fully expect any one, men especially to be punished if they smacked some young girl around the head, but you seem to think it is not as bad as name calling. Maybe single incidents should be ignored? There seem to be consistent inconsistencies at the moment where justice is concerned.
I never said anything of the sort, stop lying
Were any of those arrested in Stockport arrested and charged for single instances of criminality? So if your house gets broken into, police will only charge someone if they burgled your neighbour as well? Crime is crime, downplaying certain crimes is wrong. I believe that assault should take preference over criminal damage, but both should be investigated. The Purge has just passed, happens every August Bank Holiday.

You are choosing to miss the point.

And no, I do not think any instance of criminality should go unpunished.

And, as Denso has posted on a number of occasions, the rioters plead guilty.
That they were dealt with quickly and efficiently is not fast-tracking or two-tiering: it is being prudent with limited time and resource.
Its not hard work though is it , its paperwork .
Oh i didnt realise police officers on shift suddenly became members of the public and unable to arrest the minute they put a do-nut to their lips
Any member of the public could've detained the attacker.
It's called any person arrest (police and criminal evidence act.
Maybe the lazy copper would have acted differently if someone had stepped in.
Maybe he would've felt obliged to fulfil his duty of constable.
Any member of the public could've detained the attacker.
It's called any person arrest (police and criminal evidence act.
Maybe the lazy copper would have acted differently if someone had stepped in.
Maybe he would've felt obliged to fulfil his duty of constable.
or maybe people thought no need for me to step forward there is 2 coppers yards away
There's s humorous comment in there somewhere, "you can never find a policeman........."
Oh dear. A lot of people jailed after the disturbances were not even there. Some people posted stuff online and Stalin got upset
That didn't happen. Some people encouraged burning down mosques and hotels, but 'posting stuff online ' doesn't really cover it.
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