Biden has stepped down

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As President?
Stepped down as a candidate yes. LOL Maybe I should have been more specific on that aspect. He adds that he will continue being president until another is elected - he mentions concentrating on that particular job and nothing else. This leaves his executive fully functional.

This at least appears to be what actually came out of the horses mouth and no complaints so far.

The curious factor is that reports still say he will be talking to his nation later this week. Sounds like a White House broadcast.

The first few mins of this covers his statement
I'm looking forward to hearing Trump explain why he made out a check for $5,000 dated 26 September 2011, payable to one “Attorney General Kamala D Harris”? :D even better...The Sacramento Bee reported in 2020, she gave away the entire $6,000 he had given her as she began her run for the US Senate, bequeathing it to a civil rights non-profit working in Central America.
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if you can't pretend to like people or get on with them you shouldn't be in Politics.. or many other jobs, in fact.

You can be cordial and businesslike.

If that the fat orange tw@t is so thin-skinned and narcissistic he would act churlishly - against the interests of his own country - because someone wouldn't kiss his chubby arris, is yet another demonstration of why he is not fit to clean the White House bogs, let alone be POTUS.
Since Trump had his ear pierced, world leaders have a great excuse now, not to stand too close to the orange idiot. :mrgreen:

You can be cordial and businesslike.

If that the fat orange tw@t is so thin-skinned and narcissistic he would act churlishly - against the interests of his own country - because someone wouldn't kiss his chubby arris, is yet another demonstration of why he is not fit to clean the White House bogs, let alone be POTUS.

Fellow leaders will tolerate the berk. They will also respect the position, i.e. POTUS. Few sane leaders care for Trump and likely mock the moron behind his back.

Well put.

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