Bin Lid is no more...

Play the innocent as per usual.
Wonder how long until your friends the mods turn up.
Thats even more boring,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


You just cannot help yourself can you?

Like I said you are really a STALKER get some help
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he died yonks ago, aint far enough up the ladder to give you an exact date but you would be foolish in thinking that the news is giving you the truth and all that.

spacecat, how is the muslim brotherhood coming on? you f**kers learnt yet how to do an honest hard days work?
might have something in common then other then that we are all infact africans :)
spacecat, how is the muslim brotherhood coming on? you f**kers learnt yet how to do an honest hard days work?
might have something in common then other then that we are all infact africans :)

And to think i agreed with you in another thread

you have upset me chippy old chap
We keep refering to WW11 and WW1 , I dont know much about WW1 but I do know a bit about WW11, and it wasn't a war for peace and freedom.

People dont just have a war for the sake of it , Hitler wasnt a stupid psychotic loony who one day made himself a mini me and decided to take over the world for One million dollars.

Why not look up the standard oil company and see their involvement in WW11, you will see how America fuelled the planes that bombed london, look into things a bit more and you see a bit more. Another us chemicals company also helped Germanys fight.

This is a good place to start.
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Yet Spacer this is an overt claim to make war.
Many use banners to indicate Muslim will take over the world. Use overt and covert methods to this end.
What more indication do you need that others from abroad and now second generation want to take over this and other countries.
Time to weed all of them out and either deport them or use harsher methods. Like today for instance.

Thats paranoia right there.
How can a handful of people take over an entire country? Its almost as if you feel threatened by them.
You wont wake up one day and find you have to wear a turban and pray to the east or what ever three times a day , it just wont happen.
See , you can relax now. ;)

Hitler was a small time upstart easily dismissed by those in power as an irrelevance. He used freedom of speech and democracy to remove the very self same thing. Some believe they can look at those Islamic radical banners and dismiss them the self same but history shows we ignore them at OUR peril.

You may be right..but what happens if you're wrong?

And therein lies the rub

I dont think you can compare a few extremists living in England to Hitler, I can see how they can become a threat but I dont think they will be taking over our country any time soon.

I may be wrong, but I'm not going to do too much worrieng just yet. When I see them driving around in tanks and holding rifles I might start to stress a bit.
You could say the same about other extremist groups in the UK, there are plenty more.
Hitler was a small time upstart easily dismissed by those in power as an irrelevance. He used freedom of speech and democracy to remove the very self same thing. Some believe they can look at those Islamic radical banners and dismiss them the self same but history shows we ignore them at OUR peril.

You may be right..but what happens if you're wrong?

And therein lies the rub[/quote]
hitler was a completely different kettle of fish, with many influencing factors, such as; the wall st crash and everyone wanting what britain had back then, also adolf would never have come to power without the backing of some very wealthy and influential german businessmen and politicions
I may be wrong, but I'm not going to do too much worrieng just yet. When I see them driving around in tanks and holding rifles I might start to stress a bit.

By then it will be too late. :rolleyes:
I may be wrong, but I'm not going to do too much worrieng just yet. When I see them driving around in tanks and holding rifles I might start to stress a bit.

By then it will be too late. :rolleyes:

So do you stop something on the grounds that it might happen? If thats the case why just islam? why not do the Irish, they might take over England, or the Scottish, didnt they have a bash a few hundred years back?
How about the BNP? They are pretty radical verging on extreme.
What about Stonewall or other gay rights movements? Will they be taking over the country?
I dont think Islam is as great a threat as the media (who need to sell stories) makes it out to be.
Thatbloke, How do we stop them? Hmm well rid the mosques of these preachers of hate. Deport them ( and ignore the European Court of Human Rights) Anyone found guilty of embracing terrorism, (including Irish factions) gets an immediate 20yr hard labour sentence (again ignore the ECHR completely).
That would be a start.

Anyway, your theory about WW2 is stupid. So what if Standard Oil supplied fuel for Hitlers bombers? You think he didn't stockpile stuff before the war started? Did the American Oil companies persuade Hitler to invade Poland? I don't think so. You think the fact that there was a war stopped countries/companies selling fuel? What do you think the result would have been, had all oil companies stopped selling fuel to any country involved in a war?
Perhaps an international law should be passed stopping the sale of fuel to all countries involved in wars? That'll effectively stop you driving your motor very shortly.
You are missing my point completely. What theory are you talking about? I have no theory about WW11.
So do you stop something on the grounds that it might happen?

Yes you do. Take Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for example who has made no secret of his desire to glass Israel.

People like you would just sit back until the proverbial sh@it hits the fan.
Guerilla Warfare is an incredibly succesful tactic and has been used for literally thousands of years

Are you MAD.

Since when in those thousands of years has this successful behaviour ever been about the sole targeting of innocent individuals.
There's always been an ultimate goal.

Unbelievable stupidity. :LOL:
You are missing my point completely. What theory are you talking about? I have no theory about WW11.

this one
Why not look up the standard oil company and see their involvement in WW11, you will see how America fuelled the planes that bombed london, look into things a bit more and you see a bit more. Another us chemicals company also helped Germanys fight.

And you posted a link for further reading. ;) ;)
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