Bounce or no bounce?

Still a total c**t

I can’t possible imagine why you think a morally corrupt, thoroughly disgusting person is great.

I just think his presidential track record is decent, I like his foreign policy and he was good for the economy.

I don't hero worship him, but on the other hand, if I see nutjobs on here claiming he was convicted of rape when he clearly wasn't, I like to set the record straight.

Now, to you he can whatever you want, thoroughly disgusting, morally corrupt, a liar, whatever.

But the fact remains, he aint ever been convicted of rape.
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I would swap Slippery Sly Starmer for Trump as our PM any day of the week , Make England Great Again
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Trump is the most barefaced of liars. He is a convicted criminal.
Very very early on he was caught lying ridiculously about the numbers at his conventions - and the pattern never stopped.
He has no integrity whatsoever. He's also very stupid. "Bleach", Kim (N Korea), ......
Dig in to what he says about tariffs, it's at infantile level. He's ignorant.
Or the impending national debt crisis he says he's going to use Bitcoin to pay off. He's an idiot.
He wants to send all the immigrants back. But he's short of workers.
Utter muppet, even if he doesn't get everything wrong.

Right now I'd take Starmer every time, though he hasn't had much of a test on anything yet. If he gets something wrong, will he admit it?
He's being accused of caving in. Lets see if he stands firm on anything.

Trump lies about the economy. And everything else, pretty much. Business wise, he's a loser.

I don't think Harris is up to the job either. Imagine her against Putin.
I just think his presidential track record is decent, I like his foreign policy and he was good for the economy.

But the economic numbers expose a far more complicated reality during Trump’s time in the White House. His tax cuts never delivered the promised growth. His budget deficits surged and then stayed relatively high under Biden. His tariffs and trade deals never brought back all of the lost factory jobs. If anything, the economy during Trump’s presidency never lived up to his own hype.

If the 2020 pandemic is excluded, growth after inflation averaged 2.67% under Trump, according to figures from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Include the pandemic-induced recession and that average drops to an anemic 1.45%. By contrast, growth during the second term of Barack Obama averaged 2.33%. So far under Biden, annual growth is averaging 3.4%.

The tax cuts signed into law in 2017 never fulfilled Trump’s promises on deficit reduction. According to the Office of Management and Budget, the deficit worsened to $779 billion in 2018. The Congressional Budget Office had forecasted a deficit of $563 billion before the tax cuts, meaning the tax cuts increased borrowing by $216 billion that first year. In 2019, the deficit rose to $984 billion, nearly $300 billion more than what the CBO had forecast.

The United States lost 2.7 million jobs during Trump’s presidency, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If the pandemic months are excluded, he added 6.7 million jobs. By contrast, 15.4 million jobs were added during Biden’s presidency. That’s 5.1 million more jobs than what the CBO forecasted he would add before his coronavirus relief and other policies became law — the first president since Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression to depart office with fewer jobs in the country than when he took office.

Now, to you he can whatever you want, thoroughly disgusting, morally corrupt, a liar, whatever.
You did get something right, though. yay4you!
I just think his presidential track record is decent
It wasnt

I like his foreign policy
Trump was outwitted by Putin, President Xi and Kim Jong Un

He did a garbage deal with the Taliban

Trump started a trade war with Chine, which resulted in American farmers (soya and pork) having to survive on govt subsidies

and he was good for the economy
That’s questionable

Trump cut taxes for billionaires and corporations…..Trump wiped out a huge amount of tax revenue

Now, to you he can whatever you want, thoroughly disgusting, morally corrupt, a liar, whatever.
It is not an opinion, it is demonstrable fact: Trump is morally corrupt and a liar.

Trump tried to claim he won the 2020 election and it was stolen from him by voter fraud

Filly you seem easily taken in by right wing populists, domyou not realise Trump, Boris Johnson, Farage…..they don’t represent the people, they use propaganda to persuade people to vote against their best interests.
Trump started a trade war with Chine,
Biden has extended it More tariffs. Trump now wants corporation tax at 15% and will set up a gov efficiency dept run by Musk. Harris it seems wants to increase corporation tax to 28% but not sure who said that. ;) Might be Trump.

Trump cut and rearranged income tax when he was in for a period that ends early next year. Biden intends to redirect it to more based on need. Trump?
The consensus is that Trump had the worst debate performance in history. Even worse than Biden. They are calling it devastating.

Kamala Harris totally schooled him and dominated him. She set him up time and again and he fell for it every time. He ended up talking about immigrants eating neighbours dogs and cats. I think it worked even better with the mics muted, because you could see Trump getting wound up, and then when he finally got his turn, it all poured out in endless torrents of anger.
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