Bounce or no bounce?

why do you feel that this is not true? bush meat in the 3rd world is quite normal, these people have come from the 3rd world

Trump is a right wing populist whose main strategy is to create fear

claiming that immigrants are eating dogs is typical bullsh1t spread by media like the Daily Mail, if you remember they tried claiming Polish people were eating Swans

If you think people from central America are savages that eat bush meat, you are seriously deluded
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It seems to have been a dominating performance from Harris. Historically these debates haven't made much difference, but we've seen big swings before when one candidate did badly (Biden), even then his performance wasn't as bad as Trump's was.
Because it's not true.

Springfield Police investigations came up with "no reports"

Reuters investigated and found nothing either.

Fake news. Stick to facts
poor Munroast has been tipped over the edge since Labour became government
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It seems to have been a dominating performance from Harris. Historically these debates haven't made much difference, but we've seen big swings before when one candidate did badly (Biden), even then his performance wasn't as bad as Trump's was.
I think the key factor was that Kamala Harris remained calm, composed and smiley.....which showed Trumps playground insults and lies could land, the result was that Harris looked like the capable professional she is and Trump look like a ranting old codger, the sort you see in the pub and try to avoid.

Polls have been extremely close with electoral college being in Trumps favour, he just needs Pennsylvania and Georgia which are polling ever so slightly in his favour. Lets hope common sense prevails, another 4 years of Trump would be very damaging
"Influencers", what we all strive to be, in this forum. :giggle:
For you I would expext that to be true (russian bot probably)

For me it is more about exploring my own take on things, trying to understand things better, if I was in an echo chamber I wouldn't bother posting. It is always very telling when people get angry and start calling names - then you just know their argument has little substance.

as an example
It is also sad that a vacuous, odious, lying, misogynistic, senile old orange tw@t has any sway at all, let alone as much as Trump does.
this punter is clearly rattled - his arguments have clearly failed
MAGA camp is outraged that the moderators fact-checked Donald Trump's ramblings

thats a cult for you
you seem to think immigrants living in America eat bush meat "its normal for them" you say

maybe its time you had a re evaluation of your take on things
Trump's parents were immigrants.
you seem to think immigrants living in America eat bush meat "its normal for them" you say

maybe its time you had a re evaluation of your take on things
many of them will have come from countries where bush meat is normal fare - someones dog or cat is not that far removed from being an animal. I don't know if his stories are true (as we all know he just makes things up) but there is seldom smoke without fire - so I think it is semi plausible (likely extremely exaggerated) and as such would not rule it out 100%
For me it is more about exploring my own take on things, trying to understand things better,
These following posts of yours are examples of you exploring your take on things, trying to understand things better? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I would swap Slippery Sly Starmer for Trump as our PM any day of the week , Make England Great Again
why do you feel that this is not true? bush meat in the 3rd world is quite normal, these people have come from the 3rd world
And these were just a couple of your most recent comments. :giggle:
many of them will have come from countries where bush meat is normal fare
Sure, immigrants from Europe (including UK), Australia, etc will have come from countries where they eat bushmeat given the chance. :rolleyes:
Ever had rabbit stew, boar meat, venison, partridge, pheasant, etc? :giggle:
Bushmeat is not the preserve of 3rd worlders. :rolleyes:
It's also eaten in Asia, South America, USA and to a lesser extent in Australia, and Europe. (and Jeremy Clarkson., et al :giggle: )

Neighbours dogs and cats are not bushmeat. :ROFLMAO:

The meat of wild animals has a lower fat content than domesticated animals, and is therefore healthier.
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