Boy, 14, dies 'after being knifed in the back seven times by attackers who rammed his moped'

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Poverty breeds crime.

Countered by, Jonbey (in the same post).

Poverty breeds crime. ............... a wealthy middle-class man in his 30s ............. might be committing serious crimes such as fraud and tax evasion, but certainly not knife crime.

A desire to get something more, to be anti-social, to inflict pain or worse, breed crime.

Decency and morality stops most from committing criminal acts.
If poverty was that big a factor in crime, the UK would be as bad as any third world country, according to some on here.
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If poverty was that big a factor in crime, the UK would be as bad as any third world country, according to some on here.
And according to some on here, London is as bad as a third world country.

Poverty IS a big factor of crime, of course it is. Makes sense, plus more crime is reported in poorer areas.
Agree but it’s hard to target them though without some lily livered members of society screaming 'racism'. Oh, and while we're in the subject of gangs and stereotypes, have you heard about that gang of white men abusing young Asian girls? Me neither.
Could be Asian girls have parents or guardians who care about them.
Most of these white girls who were abused by Asians were from dysfunctional families, white society didn't give a feck about them.
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At least he had a helmet on. Two kids past me on a Moped tonight with no helmets. Went through a red light and narrowly missed by 4 x 4
Helmet so you can't recognise him robbing you.
Maybe non-whites don't have these advantages because they don't believe in them and are unable to aspire to them. No one gave these 'advantages' to the whites. they have been EARNED over generations, because of the basic decency of their race.
Lol, basic decency my arse. Yeah, white people are so kind in Britain to their fellow ethnic neighbour that we had to bring in laws to stop us discriminating against them. Not giving them jobs, then paying them less when they do. It's not that long ago when there was the 'no blacks, no Irish, no dogs sign in the window, and let's not forget the Race Relations act 1965 which was brought in to stop racial discrimination because it WAS NEEDED. Oh yeah, can be so proud of our history of 'advantages' over 'non-whites' as you put it can't we?

Interesting reading:
Maybe non-whites don't have these advantages because they don't believe in them and are unable to aspire to them. No one gave these 'advantages' to the whites. they have been EARNED over generations, because of the basic decency of their race.

This is my point (not about race, that is just plain racist). Many immigrant populations come here with nothing. Even poor families that have been settled in the UK for generations have some wealth in the form of housing or education, but immigrants start right at the bottom, and for many, getting on that first rung of the ladder is near impossible. Race of immigrants really has nothing to do with it. Otherwise, why are there so many poor white people living in trailers in America or Australia, or indeed, many parts of the UK? If you want to see poverty in the UK, head to your local traveller community - there you'll probably meet some drug gangs too, along with many hard working people who are trying to improve their lot.

Take me for instance. My great-grandparents on my mothers side were Irish immigrants. My grandfather on dad's side was a tool maker. None had any wealth, none owned property. The first person to own a property in my family was my dad, when he bought the house my grandparents were living in so they did not get evicted. He manged to get a good education at the local grammar school, and became an accountant. My mum went to the girls high school and got her dream job of a secretary. Education totally changed their lives. By time I was born, they were relatively wealthy and could afford to support 3 boys in their education. Jump back 2-3 generations and if you met my family you would probably say "gypsy scum, get a job".

The biggest problem we face is fighting this idea that people of different colour are the problem. Society is the problem, and we help shape the society we live in. It all starts with secure homes, education, good jobs, respect. Nobody wants to live a life of crime, but for some, it is all they have. Many people in this country want to keep people down though, that is the real problem.
This is from last year - Essex Live's round up of people convicted for violent crimes:

No exactly 80% non-white, is it?

As I've said before, you are far more likely to be stabbed, robbed, beaten, or burgled by a poor white person in Essex than a non-white. So, people really need to stop blaming race. It is all about poverty, welfare and opportunity.
Excuse? Explain maybe, but excuse?

It has quiet a lot to do with poverty, as well as the gov (who keeps them in poverty with all the cuts), lack of opportunities, lack of education, lack of discipline, lack of the law acting as a good deterrent, as well as in some instances, poor parenting.

Is that an explanation, or an excuse? I note that you cite "poor parenting" as an afterthought....
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