Boy, 14, dies 'after being knifed in the back seven times by attackers who rammed his moped'

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"White people made up 78% of arrests in 2016/17" Source

I guess the police just aren't very good at catching the non-whites?

Agree with you Jon but don't you think Mayor Khan must shoulder part of the blame?

No. Khan has been demanding more police in London, has supported more armed patrols, and has kept saying rising crime is the fault of police cuts. What more can a Mayor do if he is not given the resources the fight the problem?

Knife crime like this is certainly not restricted to race, it is a social-economic problem - poor teenage males. It just happens that non-whites in London are far more likely to fall into the poorest communities. Leave London and knife crime is largely whites - where I live now, it is pretty much always young white men stabbing people, or threatening people, or dealing drugs. It is easy to blame race, but the reality is that knife crime is spreading in all parts of the UK and it almost entirely down to drug gangs expanding their networks as a result of massive cuts to police intelligence.

As I have said before, young men know that the police will not catch them most of the time. They are smart enough to know how to evade the law. They use intimidation to keep witnesses off the streets and ensure they don't speak up. The criminal underclass is very much in control of many of our streets these days. Austerity if not entirely to blame, is certainly largely to blame.

It's too much fighting on the dance floor, but on a larger scale.

Why must the youth fight against themselves?
Government leaving the youth on the shelf
This place, is coming like a ghost town
No job to be found in this country
Can't go on no more
The people getting angry

Worth a read, if you're bored.
At least he had a helmet on. Two kids past me on a Moped tonight with no helmets. Went through a red light and narrowly missed by 4 x 4

Not sure if the police changed their rules, but they don't pursue people on motorbikes who don't wear helmets as risk of them being killed is too high. Had somebody riding around here early this year on a moped dressed as a ninja - black mask, no helmet. Likely delivering drugs and returning cash to gang leader somewhere.
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Yeah, the police do now, I think a law(?) was changed tail end of last year. I remember reading the cops warn kids that they still will ram them off the road.

We've had some spats on here in the past but on this issue we seem to be on the same footing mate. It also confirms to me that you are not an ideologue that I may have suspected you to be in the past. Thanks for posting stone hard facts, sadly it doesn't crush those in opposition because as shown time and again , facts don't mean anything to a left wing extremists.
Those charts are per 1000 people per ethnic group, not absolute figures. And as already mentioned, ethnic groups tend to live in poorer communities, they don't have the same advantages as whites (growing up in secure housing, inheritance, strong family support, good education etc.). This is why so many are in London - poor people gravitate to urban areas.


Poverty breeds crime. I've never seen a wealthy middle-class man in his 30s wandering around town in a gang with a knife dealing drugs. He might be committing serious crimes such as fraud and tax evasion, but certainly not knife crime.
Those charts are per 1000 people per ethnic group, not absolute figures. And as already mentioned, ethnic groups tend to live in poorer communities, they don't have the same advantages as whites (growing up in secure housing, inheritance, strong family support, good education etc.). This is why so many are in London - poor people gravitate to urban areas.

View attachment 156380

Poverty breeds crime. I've never seen a wealthy middle-class man in his 30s wandering around town in a gang with a knife dealing drugs. He might be committing serious crimes such as fraud and tax evasion, but certainly not knife crime.

Here we go .... :rolleyes:
The benefits system is the root of all this evil.

Austerity my arse!

Evil? So countries without a benefit system are good?

School teachers should have to pay for school supplies?

Where do you form your opinions? Trolling?
We've had some spats on here in the past but on this issue we seem to be on the same footing mate. It also confirms to me that you are not an ideologue that I may have suspected you to be in the past. Thanks for posting stone hard facts, sadly it doesn't crush those in opposition because as shown time and again , facts don't mean anything to a left wing extremists.

Like facts mean anything to RW nutters on here?
Those charts are per 1000 people per ethnic group, not absolute figures. And as already mentioned, ethnic groups tend to live in poorer communities, they don't have the same advantages as whites (growing up in secure housing, inheritance, strong family support, good education etc.). This is why so many are in London - poor people gravitate to urban areas.

View attachment 156380

Poverty breeds crime. I've never seen a wealthy middle-class man in his 30s wandering around town in a gang with a knife dealing drugs. He might be committing serious crimes such as fraud and tax evasion, but certainly not knife crime.

That's the pdf. I think the point you are making if I am correct is that looking at the age profile of prisoners - the bulk is in the in the Under 39 category or 66% so if you are comparing ethinicities you need to strip that factor out - ie if younger people are more likely to go to prison and you have an ethnicity that has a younger age profile then it will have a higher overall percentage going to prison but that is due to age and not ethnicity.
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