Boy, 14, dies 'after being knifed in the back seven times by attackers who rammed his moped'

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It's nothing to do with austerity or the police, or even Theresa May. It's down to the ethnic makeup of London. That's why it's murder rate is rivalling NYC. We were barely into New Year when they were at it again. If you let the third world populate somewhere, you will get third world levels of savagery where life is cheap.

Let's stop the bull and ignore the libertards. They're the really dangerous ones for making our country increasingly dangerous. These cretins will be along any minute with their pathetic liberal claptrap, trying to make us ignore that the vast majority of the knife wielding thugs are non-Caucasian. As are many of their victims. Thank the liberals if your town or city becomes a war zone.
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Absolute garbage. You need to see what's going on and stop trying to cover it up.

Vile is making excuses for the sort of people who slaughter a father in front of his 14 year old son on a train after some minor disagreement. If it had been two Caucasians, the worst would have been a fat lip.

You are deluded if you are blind to the fact that other races are prone to high levels of violence and the attitude that life is cheap.
I don't think so ... just that there are far more white people in prison than any other ethnic group - proportionally, poorer people are more likely to turn to crime, and statistically, ethnic minorities are more likely to be living in poorer communities.

The Scottish approach is worth reading -
The key takeaway from this is the role of police intelligence.

Oh, and in Glasgow, which means almost all of the knife crime was white on white.

In short - we need better policing, better community involvement, better social welfare. All the stuff austerity has stripped away. All the stuff Khan and co have been asking for more of.

Hey ho. It's easier to blame Johnny foreigner though.

“The police had mapped all the gangs and when people got there they saw their own pictures up in the court. The session started off with a warning: ‘We know who you are and if you carry on with this lifestyle we’re going to come down on you really hard. We’re going to arrest you and we’ll arrest the rest of the gang. You will be going to prison if this carries on.’”

"But at that point the intervention at the court took a more creative and holistic approach.

“Finally, they were offered a way out. “There was help with housing, relocation, employment and training. They were given a number to call if they wanted to take the offer up. Huge numbers of them did so, were put into the programme, and are no longer in the gang lifestyle.”​

Most of these kids don't want to be on the street, but they have no alternative. Broken homes, no education, no prospects - what are their options?
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"No. Khan has been demanding more police in London, has supported more armed patrols, and has kept saying rising crime is the fault of police cuts. What more can a Mayor do if he is not given the resources the fight the problem?
But he's a Labour mayor, and in Bodd's febrile mind that means he must be to blame.
Let's not forget that the system has a racial bias.. for example, stop and search, black kids are 9 times more likely to be stopped with stop and search which in turn, will amount to more convictions with drugs for example. Despite, that is, lower rates of cannabis use. Then the while at court, the black kids are less likely to be let off with community rehab, or a conditional caution that their white counterparts, meaning more will end up with a conviction.

Let me borrow Jonbey's post..

Hey ho. It's easier to blame Johnny foreigner though.
black kids are 9 times more likely to be stopped with stop and search which in turn, will amount to more convictions with drugs for example.
True, but if they know they are more likely to be stopped, it's pretty stupid to go around carrying illegal items.I know I'm more likely to be stopped late at night for a "minor traffic violation" which will result in taking a breath test, so I don't drink & drive, simple.
I know I'm more likely to be stopped late at night for a "minor traffic violation" which will result in taking a breath test, so I don't drink & drive, simple.
The problem though is that you would be more likely to be stopped in the first place for whatever reason if you were black!

A black friend of ours (who has done rather well for themself) gets stopped several times a year driving home to a rather nice house in a 'posh gated community'...

On more than one occasion the verbal reason for the stop has been because they are 'out of their area'!
, they don't have the same advantages as whites (growing up in secure housing, inheritance, strong family support, good education etc.).

Maybe non-whites don't have these advantages because they don't believe in them and are unable to aspire to them. No one gave these 'advantages' to the whites. they have been EARNED over generations, because of the basic decency of their race. Non- whites today probably aspire to being rap stars, fathering kids they will never see, or getting money quickly for Nikes and the latest track suit maybe a BMW.

You're not comparing like with like. Totally different mentalities.
I don't think so ... just that there are far more white people in prison than any other ethnic group - proportionally, poorer people are more likely to turn to crime, and statistically, ethnic minorities are more likely to be living in poorer communities.

The Scottish approach is worth reading -
The key takeaway from this is the role of police intelligence.

Oh, and in Glasgow, which means almost all of the knife crime was white on white.

In short - we need better policing, better community involvement, better social welfare. All the stuff austerity has stripped away. All the stuff Khan and co have been asking for more of.

Hey ho. It's easier to blame Johnny foreigner though.

“The police had mapped all the gangs and when people got there they saw their own pictures up in the court. The session started off with a warning: ‘We know who you are and if you carry on with this lifestyle we’re going to come down on you really hard. We’re going to arrest you and we’ll arrest the rest of the gang. You will be going to prison if this carries on.’”

"But at that point the intervention at the court took a more creative and holistic approach.

“Finally, they were offered a way out. “There was help with housing, relocation, employment and training. They were given a number to call if they wanted to take the offer up. Huge numbers of them did so, were put into the programme, and are no longer in the gang lifestyle.”​

Most of these kids don't want to be on the street, but they have no alternative. Broken homes, no education, no prospects - what are their options?

Disagree completely. Violent crime and gang related violence is attractive to these animals because they like the idea of a glamorous lifestyle robbing, selling drugs and waging war on each other.

Furthermore, the problem seems to be taking care of itself as more non-whites kill other non-whites. I'd like to see more funding going into programmes to help younger people who want to succeed in life, who should get rewarded for staying in school and getting good grades. School absconders who want to play truant from school and drive mopeds around stealing phones and looking for trouble deserve no help whatsoever, let them kill each other. My only gripe is that it is played out in full public view.
Strange that no one has yet explained what a 14 year old 'innocent' boy was doing riding a moped around the streets of London. I wonder why?
Still no explanation. As usual, the victim was a bright, popular, intelligent young man who was liked by friends, family and local youth club leaders. A local mechanic told how he fixed the bike for him on several occasions. Sorry, but if a 14 year old youth came to my garage asking for help to fix a scooter he was driving illegally around the streets, I’d tell him to **** right off. No explanation either of how a 14 year old boy obtained a moped and associated protected clothing but quite obviously there’s only two ways that could happen - he either stole it or somebody bought it for him. No word from his parents or guardians yet either. Anyone on here have an under 16 year old son? Does he ride round the streets on a moped? Didn’t think so.

I don’t know about what it’s like in your your area, but round where I work there are a few youngsters who run around on scooters that they are clearly too young to legally ride and the general consensus of opinion is that they are thieving, purse snatching drug runners and not cheeky chappies/loveable rogues like this 14 year old has been painted but hey ho, let’s not tar them all with the same brush - there may be a perfectly reasonable explanation ellal can give for why he was behaving like he was.
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I get where you are coming from. But this kid, was 14. I have a 13 yo and 15 yo. Thankfully they don't do too many stupid things. As far as I can tell they don't ride mopeds or run drugs etc. But they are privileged kids by any reasonable standard and go to a good schools and have good friends. Its easy to see how a 14 yo child could get in with the wrong crowd. We've no idea of the environment he lives in or if it is even possible to live in the area he lives without being noticed/targeted by the gangs. He didn't deserve to be stabbed to death.

There is a real problem with gangs in parts of London, some immigrant, some home grown. Its not the governments fault, or the mayors, neither the left nor the right. If its going to be fixed, the gangs need to be targeted, their wealth confiscated and the network broken up. There is no easy answer.
Agree but it’s hard to target them though without some lily livered members of society screaming 'racism'. Oh, and while we're in the subject of gangs and stereotypes, have you heard about that gang of white men abusing young Asian girls? Me neither.
Disagree completely. Violent crime and gang related violence is attractive to these animals because they like the idea of a glamorous lifestyle robbing, selling drugs and waging war on each other.

Furthermore, the problem seems to be taking care of itself as more non-whites kill other non-whites. I'd like to see more funding going into programmes to help younger people who want to succeed in life, who should get rewarded for staying in school and getting good grades. School absconders who want to play truant from school and drive mopeds around stealing phones and looking for trouble deserve no help whatsoever, let them kill each other. My only gripe is that it is played out in full public view.
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