I don't think so ... just that there are far more white people in prison than any other ethnic group - proportionally, poorer people are more likely to turn to crime, and statistically, ethnic minorities are more likely to be living in poorer communities.
The Scottish approach is worth reading -
The key takeaway from this is the role of police intelligence.
Oh, and in Glasgow, which means almost all of the knife crime was white on white.
In short - we need better policing, better community involvement, better social welfare. All the stuff austerity has stripped away. All the stuff Khan and co have been asking for more of.
Hey ho. It's easier to blame Johnny foreigner though.
“The police had mapped all the gangs and when people got there they saw their own pictures up in the court. The session started off with a warning: ‘We know who you are and if you carry on with this lifestyle we’re going to come down on you really hard. We’re going to arrest you and we’ll arrest the rest of the gang. You will be going to prison if this carries on.’”
"But at that point the intervention at the court took a more creative and holistic approach.
“Finally, they were offered a way out. “There was help with housing, relocation, employment and training. They were given a number to call if they wanted to take the offer up. Huge numbers of them did so, were put into the programme, and are no longer in the gang lifestyle.”
Most of these kids don't want to be on the street, but they have no alternative. Broken homes, no education, no prospects - what are their options?