bring back branding for extreme crimanls..let everyone know

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paulbrown said:
If you took this myth to its ultimate conclusion, you could say every voter in this country is already a killer anyway. This is because our democratically :LOL:) elected goverment is already involved in killing on our behalf in Iraq.

A death is a death, the difference being in Iraq they are more than likely innocent people, whereas in this debate it is the particularly abhorrant cases, such a child rape or murder, which people are referring too.
the topic is slightly off the rails here but to put it back on track regarding the last bit of your comment, the child rapists and murderers are people that for whatever reason have perpetrated such horrendous actions and it is the state of their minds that's in question, reason i say minds is that a normal person would control any urges or anger, whereas these people are maybe weak willed or plain mad and is the killing of them by execution really a way of dealing with the problem?
Attitudes are different on the subject as can be seen from the above posts, some want a more direct approach to the problem and basically want to get rid of the problem rather than deal with it by executing or killing the offender, others realise it's a problem that has to be dealt with.

Until the medical profession can understand fully what drives these people to do what they do by studying them then the killings and rapes will go on.
Yes they need to be locked up, that's for sure, Killed? And i say killed as opposed to executed as that is physically what you do if you execute them is that really the answer or just a quick way to sweep the problem under the carpet? Do we have to resort to the same ways as those that perpetrated the horrendous acts or do we show how civilised we really are by trying to help a fellow human that has strayed from what we in a civilised society call normal behaviour?
I personally feel by execution that we show ourselves to be no better than the killer him/herself.

There are many wrongs in society and many stresses are inflicted upon us, this can be too much for some and drive them over the edge, one more apparent example is the case of road rage, there have been cases of murder because of a simple act of crossing someone elses path as they drive along. that is an extreme example of a normal person changing into a murderer within a few moments.

Some are turned that way from an early age, maybe from experiencing abuse themselves?

So because of a moments rage which is normally whipped up by the media should we decide on the ultimate solution or should we take a step back and in a civilised way evaluate the situation?

I'm for the civilised route.

The thing that does tend to grate on some people is the lack of justice, where life should be life, I'm cautious about early release as i still think we dont know enough about the problem to safely say a person has been cured. Therefore i would tend to go for the life sentence being life at the moment.
Slogger said:
ban-all-sheds said:
Slogger said:
a load of stuff about being invaded, as if acting in self-defence was in anyway related to torturing and killing law-breakers

He then said:
some stuff of such spectacular stupidity that one begins to wonder how he can find the room where he keeps his computer...
He said:
no war is illegal is it

the powers that be had just cause to go after iraq

the WMD where probably hidden somewhere in the sands or pakistan
Not been found, though, have they?

they definetly exist ( he has used the on his own people )
They existed, and they were used. But they were not much of a regional threat, let alone a long distance one, and then he got rid of them. And the number of "his people" he killed was smaller than the number that we (US & UK) have killed during the invasion & occupation.

Oh, and while he was doing that, this happened:


In case you don't recognise him, the person shaking SH's hand is Donald Rumsfeld....

and he did openly support 9/11
No he did not. al-Qa'ida had no presence in Iraq, they were no friends of the Iraqi regime and Saddam had as much if not more to fear from them than we did.

so your going to reep just what u sow
I fear that we will.

come on B.A.S CANT u answe me

would u kill to defenD your country YES or NO

Oh I will fight to defend my country against these sick people that feel that the world owes them everything with out a doubt..... :evil:
we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old."
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Richardp said:
we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills;

Is'nt that what our football supporters do now. :oops:

Edited to correct the quote ;)
Richardp said:
we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old."

so i can put u down for yes you would KILL ok

B.A.S wheres your answer
I accept your earlier apology ... an you know I have always stood up for free speech on here ...
what ever rubbish people post here(me included ,lol)

I only hope you can find some happiness in your life ?

DIYtiler wrote:
"Tell me just one of you that doesn't agree..2

I dont AGREE !!!

a very Good post regarding Iraq earlier ;)

"we shall fight on the beaches"
you get that every holiday season dont you ? lol :)
Moz said:
I accept your earlier apology ... an you know I have always stood up for free speech on here ...
what ever rubbish people post here(me included ,lol)

I only hope you can find some happiness in your life ?

DIYtiler wrote:
"Tell me just one of you that doesn't agree..2

I dont AGREE !!!

a very Good post regarding Iraq earlier ;)

"we shall fight on the beaches"
you get that every holiday season dont you ? lol :)

Moz this post has gone in many directions. My post had nothing to do with the war. It was in marking child rapist and molesters so children would know who they are.... You don't agree to that?
markie wrote:
suziestarr32 when you suggested branding, is it blue for boys and pink for girls. and for them who don't know who/what they are get a blue and pink stripe

The one Crime that needs a tatoo is a child molester. Right in the middle of their forehead. That way everyone, even a child will know to run from. Tell me just one of you that doesn't agree..

This is the post....

In research done on child molesters and rapist, it has been found that over 90 % repeat the crime, especially child molesters. They themselves admit that they can't seem to stop. Montel Williams show had a whole show devoted to this subject with convicted molesters, Dr.s, researchers and police were there. They showed extensive research on the subject. Moz do you have Children? I do, and one of mine was molested, I am still outraged that his sentence was 6 weeks for child rape... He has since done this again and is in jail awaiting trial...If he had been marked maybe that child would have run...So sad..
While we're talking about bringing back old traditions, like branding of criminals, I was hoping the Church might bring back the practice of selling indulgences.

I figured they could raise money for worthy causes by selling indulgences to those who wanted to spend the night with a harlot, go on a good drunk or just disrespect their local Sunday morning TV evangelist.

I'm also like to see them drown that American, Pat Robertson, in a river to see if his body floats. If so, it'll be because God has rejected him because he was a warlock. He always looked like a warlock to me.
Richardp said:
pickles said:
If I was going to be branded I would like it to be Sony
I feel a song coming on :LOL:
Oh Sony boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow
'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Sony boy, oh Sony boy, I love you so.

And if you come, when all the flowers are dying
And I am dead, as dead I well may be
You'll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.

And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me
And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be
If you'll not fail to tell me that you love me
I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.

I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.
my pipes calling me too
DIYtiler said:
Slogger said:
ban-all-sheds said:
Slogger said:
a load of stuff about being invaded, as if acting in self-defence was in anyway related to torturing and killing law-breakers

He then said:
some stuff of such spectacular stupidity that one begins to wonder how he can find the room where he keeps his computer...
He said:
no war is illegal is it

the powers that be had just cause to go after iraq

the WMD where probably hidden somewhere in the sands or pakistan
Not been found, though, have they?

they definetly exist ( he has used the on his own people )
They existed, and they were used. But they were not much of a regional threat, let alone a long distance one, and then he got rid of them. And the number of "his people" he killed was smaller than the number that we (US & UK) have killed during the invasion & occupation.

Oh, and while he was doing that, this happened:


In case you don't recognise him, the person shaking SH's hand is Donald Rumsfeld....

and he did openly support 9/11
No he did not. al-Qa'ida had no presence in Iraq, they were no friends of the Iraqi regime and Saddam had as much if not more to fear from them than we did.

so your going to reep just what u sow
I fear that we will.

come on B.A.S CANT u answe me

would u kill to defenD your country YES or NO

Oh I will fight to defend my country against these sick people that feel that the world owes them everything with out a doubt..... :evil:
tilebender said:

There is no such medicine, I only wish there was. Obviously no one is taking this serously, which is why our children are being molested over and over. Get involved and save our children from being hurt.....
DIYtiler said:
tilebender said:

There is no such medicine, I only wish there was. Obviously no one is taking this serously, which is why our children are being molested over and over. Get involved and save our children from being hurt.....

What should we be doing to stop this.

I assume from you comments you have got some ideas about prevention, rather than just retribution which would be very refreshing in this forum. These threads seem to go in circles about how much should be done to sex offenders after the crime but no one ever seems to want to talk about prevention

My own view is that we should all pay at least 5p more in income tax to recruit and train specialist units that would go out and pro actively hunt sex offenders in an effort to detect and control them before they offend and then monitor them permanently, if necessary on a daily basis

What do you think about this idea
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