bring back branding for extreme crimanls..let everyone know

1st, hiring someone to kill is against the law
2nd, i did not know having a opinion about the D.P makes me a killer,
and to suggest it is in the realms of stupidpity
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markie said:
i did not know having a opinion about the D.P makes me a killer,
You don't seem to understand,

If you paid someone to be killed then you're not a killer????????

Yes or no?
markie said:
BAS why are you so against the death penalty for child killers
I'm against the death penalty for all offenders. Killing by the state as a means of social control is uncivilised, and states should not be institutionally violent and uncivilised.

( don't give me a load of bull, about it will make me as bad as them. because that is a load of tosh and you know it.)
It makes you a killer. It dramatically reduces your moral authority over them.

Wanting the death penalty DOES NOT make anybody, a want to be killer.
I don't think I've ever heard anything so daft. How can wanting someone to be killed on your behalf not make you want to be a killer? Unless, as I said, you're a hypocrite who wouldn't do it themselves if they were capable of it, but still want it done for them by somebody else.

if a 80 year old granny says she in favour of the D,P does that make her want to go out and kill someone i dont think so, do you ?
An 80 year old granny is probably limited in her ability to go out and kill someone, but if she wants the death penalty, then if provided with a means to kill someone that is within her capabilities, she doesn't want to do it herself then she too is a hypocrite - hypocrisy is not the preserve of the young and fit.

And as for being a squeamish hypocrite how do you come to that assumption, i'v already said that if they ever hurt my kids i will kill them my self if giving the chance, and that is not a threat it's a promise,
I would quite happily press the button/pull the leaver/flick the switch, to end a child killers life
So you do want to be a killer, in some circumstances.

And guesswhat, that would not make me a killer in the eyes of the law,
The law would not come into it, if you had done it as a state-sanctioned killing then it would not be unlawful. You would not be a murderer, you would not have committed manslaughter, but quite clearly you would have killed someone, and as you said above, it would have been something you wanted to do.

so i could not be labled a killer apart from the likes of you
Explain how it is possible to deliberately kill someone and not be a killer.
B.A.S is a limpy m8 wasting your time on him u r

we all know in a just society death is the only option for certain offenders

some wont admit it cos they think we live in a civilised world :LOL:

there isnt a lot civilised in this world is there ? we go to war for oil=death and destruction for many, all ok cos its a santioned war :LOL:

what i would say is WE are at war with crime in the uk and its our duty to do what we can when we can to aid in this WAR and if that mean re educating some individuals ( muahahahahhaha) then so be it

morals need play no part in it as these individuals have signed away there rights to be treat as humans :LOL:

on a darker note lets go to town on the paedos and teach them a lesson they wont recover from WAR is hell

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Slogger your right i am wasting my time with bas on this topic,
bas one last thing, if i was requested by the state to execute someone i would be called a executioner not a killer.
the only time i would be labled a killer is if i commited murder with out the states concent. which i have no intention of doing so, now or ever.

masona your right but tell bas that.
showing your colours markie ? good idea saves any misunderstanding in any future exchanges :LOL:
markie said:
Slogger your right i am wasting my time with bas on this topic,
You're not wasting your time, it's called disagreement in which you are entitled to.

if i was requested by the state to execute someone i would be called a executioner not a killer.
If you look it up in the dictionary,

execute - kill, put to death
masona your right but tell bas that.
Not sure what you mean here.
mandiehun said:
(Re: BAS) You may have all the opinions in the world on this subject(which has been done many times),but have you ever thought for 1 second in your narrow minded view on life,that this subject hasnt affected somebody on this forum for real.
I think you'll find that I'm more broad-minded than most people here, not less, particularly on this topic.

You may slag slogger etc off but they might have a valid reason for feeling the way they do,nobody knows.
If that's true, then Slogger knows, but there is a big difference between reacting in anger and passion, "whilst the balance of the mind was temporarily disturbed", and a sustained commitment to calculated, cold-blooded violence.

Keep your opinions to yourself.
What, like you're doing now, you mean?

And can you tell us why you're telling me to do that, when it's not an instruction you've issued to anybody else? Is it perhaps that it's only opinions which you don't like that you feel should not be aired?

God help that anything should happen to anyone that you love and care about,because when you know first hand you might think other wise and change your point off view.
The issue of whether if, "whilst the balance of my mind was temporarily disturbed", I might react in a way that contradicts the beliefs I've outlined here has already been covered. I, and others who share my beliefs all admit that we might, but we also all recognise that it would be wrong, and we also all recognise something that you don't, namely that it is even more wrong to want to deliberately inflict injury and death on people in circumstances when you are not temporarily blinded by personal anger and grief.

Practise What You Preach
I do.
masona said:
execute - kill, put to death

You are only partly right here though Masona. Here is the full dictionary definition. From here.
execute (KILL) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to kill someone as a legal punishment:
He was executed for murder.

execution Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
when someone is killed as a legal punishment:
Execution is still the penalty in some states for murder.
The executions will be carried out by a firing squad.

executioner Show phonetics
noun [C]
someone who performs executions

The clear difference here is the legal aspect in the above definition.

If (a big if) a declared pro cap/corp punishment political party was elected by a majority vote, then reintroduced these penalties it would be doing so with a mandate. These sentences would then become legal sentences. To suggest that people are killers because they voted for such a party is a fallacy.

If you took this myth to its ultimate conclusion, you could say every voter in this country is already a killer anyway. This is because our democratically :LOL:) elected goverment is already involved in killing on our behalf in Iraq.

A death is a death, the difference being in Iraq they are more than likely innocent people, whereas in this debate it is the particularly abhorrant cases, such a child rape or murder, which people are referring too.
pracitice what u preach oh my :LOL:

I DO TOO ( sounds like we been tied ) :LOL:

praise the lord n pass the ammunition

are you a contientious objector B.A.S eh come on spill the beans are you a conshy

if you country needed u to help in war and we had out backs against the wall would u be a killer then B.A.S

the above applies to all those saying no to death penalty

would u kill to defned you country

hypothetical question here

china has dropped 100 k paras into uk we have to arm civlians to fend them off would u kill them or

1 kill them

2 talk to them and shot them the erros of there ways

3 kill them

4 surrender

now this is a catch 22 question isnt it cos all of your posts say you aint no killer iz u

paulbrown said:
If you took this myth to its ultimate conclusion, you could say every voter in this country is already a killer anyway. This is because our democratically :LOL:) elected goverment is already involved in killing on our behalf in Iraq.
This can go off topic now!

Blair & Bush went to war with Iraq which was a illegal war and I didn't vote for Blair so I'm not guilty of his war crime. This is a difficult one because you just don't know what the government is going to do.

Blair & Bush killed people.
markie said:
suziestarr32 when you suggested branding, is it blue for boys and pink for girls. and for them who don't know who/what they are get a blue and pink stripe :LOL: ;)

The one Crime that needs a tatoo is a child molester. Right in the middle of their forehead. That way everyone, even a child will know to run from. :idea: Tell me just one of you that doesn't agree.. :evil:

This is the post....

In research done on child molesters and rapist, it has been found that over 90 % repeat the crime, especially child molesters. They themselves admit that they can't seem to stop. Montel Williams show had a whole show devoted to this subject with convicted molesters, Dr.s, researchers and police were there. They showed extensive research on the subject. Moz do you have Children? I do, and one of mine was molested, I am still outraged that his sentence was 6 weeks for child rape... He has since done this again and is in jail awaiting trial...If he had been marked maybe that child would have run...So sad..
no war is illegal is it

the powers that be had just cause to go after iraq

the WMD where probably hidden somewhere in the sands or pakistan

they definetly exist ( he has used the on his own people )

and he did openly support 9/11 so

your going to reep just what u sow

and i sow justice for all and peace to mankind ( by the barrel of a gun if need be )
masona said:
I didn't vote for Blair so I'm not guilty of his war crime. This is a difficult one because you just don't know what the government is going to do.

Blair & Bush killed people.

I agree with you that you don't know what the government may do during office and I accept you didn't vote for Blair(I didn't either :LOL:) . Irrespective of this, they do still represent the country as a whole. This is how a democracy works.

In my earlier post though I did say a party which had made its intentions clear beforehand.
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