Build, build, build.

Anybody can

But motorbiking doesn't like workers rights.

He claims that by protecting against unfair dismissal

labour will stop you firing unwanted employees

Perhaps motorbiking likes to sack people without reason.

I can see why legal protection against bad employers is needed.
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It is only about 250 extra each year in each council area. We aren't suddenly going from zero to 1.5 million.
Collectively it is still 1.5 million new homes in 5 years (not enough to keep up with inward net migration) but still 3.5 million new souls.

And even if they are spread around the country, all our infrastructure (which is already at a state of collapse) will be further burdened. Take hospitals, ball park figures suggest 1 hospital bed for every 400 people, therefor for this 3.5 million population explosion we will need a further 8750 hospital beds, which is about 17 large hospitals - are we building any of them.

then we will need prisions and factories and roads and....

you do get this don't you, it is not just a case of building more houses?
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And even if they are spread around the country, all our infrastructure (which is already at a state of collapse) will be further burdened. Take hospitals, ball park figures suggest 1 hospital bed for every 400 people, therefor for this 3.5 million population explosion we will need a further 8750 hospital beds, which is about 17 large hospitals - are we building any of them.
All Tory failures, watch this space.

However, it isn't a population explosion at all. It isn't 3.5 million "new" people.
If a humble schmo such as myself can do all of the above, why can't the squillionaire international lawyer? :unsure:
You’ve been able to manage out lawyers? They can’t be very good lawyers.

Managing out is constructive dismissal and exposes you to a claim.
Anybody can

But motorbiking doesn't like workers rights.

He claims that by protecting against unfair dismissal

Perhaps motorbiking likes to sack people without reason.

I can see why legal protection against bad employers is needed.
What you fail to grasp is the fact that employer’s flexibility vs employee rights is a major factor when determining where to base functions and create jobs.
"This will not prevent fair dismissal, which includes dismissal for reasons of capability, conduct or redundancy, or probationary periods with fair and transparent rules and processes. We will ensure employers can operate probationary periods to assess new hires. However, the changes will help to ensure that newly hired workers are not fired without reason or cause and will help drive up standards in workplaces."
You mean we need a properly planned and executed housing policy? I'm sure it's coming...
Part of that includes increased charges for water. Not as much as the companies would like but does give them more income to work with. This over the next 5 years. Increases varying according to the company that handles it.
What you fail to grasp is the fact that employer’s flexibility vs employee rights is a major factor when determining where to base functions and create jobs.
;) Thought this thread was about housing.
What you fail to grasp is the fact that employer’s flexibility vs employee rights is a major factor when determining where to base functions and create jobs.
I suppose docile, subservient slaves are far more "employer malleable" than those with a voice.
God bless Jimmy Read.
I suppose it's better to have lots of unemployed people because jobs have gone to more flexible locations or that employers are ultra cautious when hiring. I know which option I'd prefer if I was unemployed.
"This will not prevent fair dismissal, which includes dismissal for reasons of capability, conduct or redundancy, or probationary periods with fair and transparent rules and processes. We will ensure employers can operate probationary periods to assess new hires. However, the changes will help to ensure that newly hired workers are not fired without reason or cause and will help drive up standards in workplaces."
Very clearly changing the current employment law, preventing you from firing unwanted employees within the first 2 years of service as is currently the case.

So within 2 years, we move from:

Dear unwanted employee - We are terminating your contract, here is your notice period and pay to.

Dear unwanted employee - We are putting you through a performance management plan, to cause you a lot of stress and then intend to fire you anyway.

As I said, 1 year would be fine.

Lots and lots of executive and professional roles need at least 6-9 months for the person to learn the business and perform. This change will cost UK jobs.
Lots and lots of executive and professional roles need at least 6-9 months for the person to learn the business and perform.
Then make that the probationary period and they can be let go according to their terms and conditions.
Very clearly changing the current employment law, preventing you from firing unwanted employees within the first 2 years of service as is currently the case.
Let's see what the new law says.
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