Build, build, build.

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Blaming the left for that too ?

but I see nothing in their plans that make me think anything will change any time soon, probably solve the prison situation by letting a huge amount of criminals out,

and as for their hollow promise to build 1.5 million new homes, (which incidentally won't even keep up with inward migration) unless they combine this massive housing and population explosion with vast amounts of new infrastructure, then they are simply going to overburden our already failing services.
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but I see nothing in their plans that make me think anything will change any time soon, probably solve the prison situation by letting a huge amount of criminals out,

Surely you were aware that sending more people to prison than the prisons could hold, was sure to end in overflow?

The Prison Governors pointed it out before the election.

"...Courts and the Police will no longer freely and lawfully be able detain offenders; there will literally be no room to ‘lock people up’. Police cells, and Court cells, will quickly fill up with people detained who would normally have been sent to prison. When this happens, it will simply not be possible for the Police to detain any more people, and Courts will no longer be able to ‘send people to prison’. This will put the public at risk, as people who should be in prison are left to roam the streets...."

I mentioned it earlier

but I see nothing in their plans that make me think anything will change any time soon, probably solve the prison situation by letting a huge amount of criminals out,

and as for their hollow promise to build 1.5 million new homes, (which incidentally won't even keep up with inward migration) unless they combine this massive housing and population explosion with vast amounts of new infrastructure, then they are simply going to overburden our already failing services.
So its the right that's caused the issues but you blame the left.

This new lot have got to start somewhere..

Or we could carry on as we weren't doing
Surely you were aware that sending more people to prison than the prisons could hold, was sure to end in overflow?

The Prison Governors pointed it out before the election.

"...Courts and the Police will no longer freely and lawfully be able detain offenders; there will literally be no room to ‘lock people up’. Police cells, and Court cells, will quickly fill up with people detained who would normally have been sent to prison. When this happens, it will simply not be possible for the Police to detain any more people, and Courts will no longer be able to ‘send people to prison’. This will put the public at risk, as people who should be in prison are left to roam the streets...."

I mentioned it earlier
there's plenty rooms in the prisons, do they really need a bed 24 hours a day? hot bunk, 8 hours per prisoner per bed per day, that immediately triples the capacity - it would also greatly reduce re-offending or any law breaking, prison would no lnger be very comfortable
and as for their hollow promise to build 1.5 million new homes, (which incidentally won't even keep up with inward migration) unless they combine this massive housing and population explosion with vast amounts of new infrastructure, then they are simply going to overburden our already failing services.
Did you ever criticise the Tory plans which were even higher than Labour? Or has it just become an issue for you?
there's plenty rooms in the prisons

that's an interesting opinion.

Doubtless you have more experience of the inside of prisons than I do

Though the prison governors disagree with you.
there's plenty rooms in the prisons, do they really need a bed 24 hours a day? hot bunk, 8 hours per prisoner per bed per day, that immediately triples the capacity - it would also greatly reduce re-offending or any law breaking, prison would no lnger be very comfortable
Do some people live in the real world?
Due to the overcrowding prisoners are confined to their cells for 23 hours. This adds to the overarching festering unsafe environment of the prisons.
Due to overcrowding self-harm, violence, suicide and murders rise.
So you're suggesting that three criminals share a room, 4 metres by 2 metres for 23 hours a day, every day?
Would you be willing to tell a convicted violent criminal to get out of bed because it's your turn? :oops:
The problem is that a prisoner uses the bed far more than 8 hours in each 24 because they're confined to that cell for 23 hours a day. :unsure:
I just gave a post a thumbs up sign. In a number of cases I wish there was a trash can or dustbin icon. I could probably think of others that would be useful
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