Build, build, build.

Dear unwanted employee - We are putting you through a performance management plan, to cause you a lot of stress and then intend to fire you anyway.
Capability is a reason for fair dismissal. Keep up.
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I'm not the one who doesn't understand the legal meaning of such terms and the necessary processes.

This started with me claiming that Employers could not fire unwanted employees under the proposed changes and the usual trolls claiming there was no such policy. Well sadly you were all wrong.

Did you understand the bit you quoted? As in understand what it means from an employment law perspective?

Unfair dismissal is termination without cause or reason. An employee does not acquire these rights currently until 2 years employment.
Capability based dismissal, requires a stressful, painful and time consuming process where the employee is put through an unpleasant documentation of their inability, set targets to meet, lives under a cloud during the process and 9/10 fails..

Would you rather:
Denso - we have decided to terminate your contract [after 15 months] because we don't think its working - we wish you luck - here is 3 months pay.

Denso - your performance is not where we need you to be, we are putting you on a PIP, we will have 1-2-1s twice a week to document and assess your performance against these KPIS {that you clearly can't achieve}. You are on notice that we are considering terminating you for your poor performance. If you fail to show the necessary improvement during this period, we will terminate your employment and send you a letter saying how cr@p you are, in order to comply with the law.
What you fail to grasp is the fact that employer’s flexibility vs employee rights is a major factor when determining where to base functions and create jobs.

I'm pretty sure that when Tesco Southwark wants a shelf stacker, it will be recruiting round Southwark.
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yes but we have established that Labour plan to carry on as before.
It is not as before. Eg I mentioned water is being considered. Planning aspects - have to wait and see if that works out.

A far more interesting build subject is prisons. Better run downs on the reason for the problem now. The first reason is build targets and falling very very short on them. I can recollect nimby problems with planning in the past. That probably doesn't figure now as not heard of any. The other aspect is be tough on crime. The easy solution in the political area is increase sentencing durations. The public surprise surprise don't like crime. The increase in sentencing has been possible over a long period of time but pass when safety levels were exceeded. It's now gone too far so what we have can't cope. Some have to be locked up for a long time some ? The only short term solution is early release. Some must remain and there has to be scope left for more of those.

So in some respects we need a make prisons work. We may not be able to afford to add more places. Some ideas on prisons are seen as pure lefty but there are some interesting factors about people who finish up in them and even some re offenders.
I'm pretty sure that when Tesco Southwark wants a shelf stacker, it will be recruiting round Southwark.
I notice changes in the staff of many shops that employ some numbers in this general area and have wondered why the numbers remain the same and faces often disappear. Even Tesco actually.

Shelf stackers are part of the how sales relate to stock and order systems. A little more of a job than some one might think.
Have you seen the new law?


Denso - under the terms of your 15 month probationary period it is clear you don't come up to the mark. See ya...
Let's check back when their bill comes up - it would be rather cretinous to allow such a policy within the framework of their manifesto while also offering the protection they promise. Meanwhile UK jobs will go under speculation.
I'm pretty sure that when Tesco Southwark wants a shelf stacker, it will be recruiting round Southwark.
Great - so protection for workers that make minimal tax contribution, while those who make massive tax contributions, find their jobs have gone overseas. Great plan, good job, well done, keep up the good work.
Great - so protection for workers that make minimal tax contribution, while those who make massive tax contributions, find their jobs have gone overseas. Great plan, good job, well done, keep up the good work.

Your bragging, or you punching down: which one turns you on more?
You’ve been able to manage out lawyers? They can’t be very good lawyers.

Managing out is constructive dismissal and exposes you to a claim.
Not if they don't meet targets .

Or do you not need targets?

Sounds like bad management not bad workers
What you fail to grasp is the fact that employer’s flexibility vs employee rights is a major factor when determining where to base functions and create jobs.
And we've been worse at workers rights fir decades, despite being in the EU for most of that time
How has the population increased thus far without the system collapsing?
All Tory failures, watch this space.

However, it isn't a population explosion at all. It isn't 3.5 million "new" people.
it will be 3.5 million new people if inward net migration stays as low as 700,000 per year - it could be far greater than this with the left in charge
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