Build, build, build.

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LOL Parhaps a loose screw in a plank icon would be better.
"The Conservatives released 10,000 prisoners early to ease the jail capacity crisis, according to figures released ahead of the new Labour government setting out more drastic steps to reduce the prison population.

Figures published by the Ministry of Justice on Friday revealed the number of prisoners let out between October 17 and June 30 under the End of Custody Supervised Licence scheme.

The ECSL scheme enabled certain prisoners to be released a maximum of 18 days prior to their release date. This expanded to 35 days in March and 70 days from May onwards.

The scheme applied to prisoners who had served at least 50 per cent of their sentence. Justice secretary Shabana Mahmood is set to say on Friday that the government will go further and allow the release of some offenders who have served 40 per cent of their sentence, in an effort to free up capacity."
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Those cells were designed to confine one prisoner.
Not for 23 hours a day.
And some want to squash 3 prisoners into the same space, for 23 hours a day.
Can you imagine the average married couple being confined to that space for 23 hours a day, day in, day out.

And the proposal was for violent criminals to kept in those conditions.
I suppose it would have an effect on the prison population, the last one standing in each cell.
Let out a whole 2 months early - scandalous

It was certainly scandalous to send increasing numbers of people to prison without building prisons for them to go.

We have the same problem with hospital patients.

There is a view that sending "first offenders" and minor prisoners to rub shoulders with career criminals settles them into a university of crime.
.... End of Custody Supervised Licence scheme....

I wonder how many additional probation offers were recruited and trained, and how many resettlement homes opened.

I think I can guess...
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