Build, build, build.

And as for those shareholder dividends where do you think your private pension gets its growth from to pay you
Not from the same place as many did under the old system. UK money could not be easily moved offshore. That had an effect on our businesses and share dealing. Net result pension funds largely investing in areas like company pension schemes. If some one didn't have a pension obtained this way there was always the state one.

However at one point some of these schemes found it was better to invest in property as the returns were higher. There is another factor as well. If a company has a high pension fund level of share ownership it gets trickier to directly relate dividends to profit. Other things went on eg relating to companies buying their own shares. Even in some cases getting into full blown share dealing.

Interesting aspect. Some state jobs still have this style of pension running.
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Treaty of Mastrict - John Major
EU membership continued to be supported by Thatcher after that, and we negotiated an opt out from the single currency
Uncapped migration of expanded EU (free for all) - Tony Blair
We went earlier than the other eu countries but eventually the same rules applied to all IIRC. It was simple supply and demand, why do the free market rules go out of the window when it comes to migration
Treaty of Lisbon - Gordon Brown
Gave the EU parliament the same law making powers as the Council of Ministers, doubtless would have been welcomed by Far rage in his role as a committed MEP.
Tories took us out of the EU, in case you didn't notice, so none of the above have been relevant for a number of year. Immigration is a net benefit to the economy, which is one reason why parties say they will control it but fail to.
Would you have preferred them to ignore the vote?
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Even 40 million of them are retired or haven't learned to walk yet?
LOL Bring in 30m that are in the middle of being neither. Educated of course and give them jobs that probably don't exist.
These "more people" will drive down wage growth

Our population includes a large and growing number of retired people, who do not do the jobs we need and do not compete in the labour market, but put large and growing demands on our decrepit health and social structure.

Who do you think is going to do the work that they (and you) won't?
Our population includes a large and growing number of retired people, who do not do the jobs we need and do not compete in the labour market, but put large and growing demands on our decrepit health and social structure.

Who do you think is going to do the work that they (and you) won't?
So you want those at the bottom to compete for their low wages so that you can enjoy a comfortable retirement. Safe in the knowledge that the state will provide, what you failed to save for.
Would you have preferred them to ignore the vote?
Given it was a corrupt vote, and had it been legally binding, would likely have been dropped as a result.... yes.

It clearly made no appreciable difference to immigration anyway in terms of numbers.
Had the vote been remain. Would you also be happy for a government to leave under the same mandate?
So you want those at the bottom to compete for their low wages so that you can enjoy a comfortable retirement. Safe in the knowledge that the state will provide, what you failed to save for.
Failing to save is a big problem.

Happens to a lot of low paid people. I wonder why.
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