Cameron gets tough on benefit cheats !!!!

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As I said, the world carries on perfectly well without him, and national wealth is not reduced.

Do you really think that in some way national wealth is reduced?
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As I said, the world carries on perfectly well without him, and national wealth is not reduced.

Do you really think that in some way national wealth is reduced?

You are really not following are you. Wealth makers (that is people that earn money) pay a lot of tax. Without the wealth makers money tends to be more static, I.e not changing from person to person, reducing income tax and reducing VAT on purchases.
If everyone was on 20k a year and the rest of the money was in one bank big bank account, the country would be a lot worse off as people pay less tax on their incomes and have less money to buy things with, therefore less VAT, they also have cheaper property, which means less stamp duty etc...

The fact that there are people that earn a lot of money means that the tax burden is pretty much pushed on them.

OBVIOUSLY evaders aren't included in that to the same extent...but even a millionaire paying half his tax is much much better for the country than a 20k'er paying all their tax.
I see you are refusing to answer my question about national wealth being reduced

And you like to speak of "wealth makers" when you rather than just about people who have much money. Many rich people inherited it, or are shareholders or business owners. This does not mean they are creating wealth; and it does not mean that the country would have less wealth if they were not here, or if some of them stopped tax evasion. Wealth is created by making, repairing or improving things. A bricklayer is contributing to the wealth of the nation; a Hanson shareholder is not. A day trader or a lottery winner might receive a hundred times as much money as a teacher; you would have to be a weasel to say he "earns" it or that he contributes a hundred times as much to the national wealth..

Your problem is that from your point of view, tax evasion is a relatively acceptable crime, and even if it costs the rest of us honest taxpayers £15 billion a year, you would prefer to crack down on petty criminals who only swindle us out of £1 billion.

your sympathy for tax-evading swindlers is clear, but it is also disgusting.

I can't remember if you are/were a plumber/electrician or not, but I'm sure you will agree that tax-evasion on a small(ish) scale ( week-end jobs/homers/cash jobs etc) is rampant here .

What is your opininion of this ?

My own take on it is that peoples' nature doesn't change, so that if these people swindling a couple of thousand a year were suddenly earning ten times their current salary, they would not suddenly become good citizens, but would look at their pay-slips and say:

"Bloody hell, I:m paying enough tax to build a school, that ain't fair, I earned that, better stick some in Switzerland and stuff the Revenue"
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I do not approve of tax fraud and I do not approve of benefit fraud. I do not perform either.

I am offended by your tendency to take a soft line on tax fraudsters and your sympathy to their swindling.
Does anybody actually think what they pay in income tax will be reduced if everybody on benefits stopped claiming on monday 9 AM ?

Get real because it wont ,the goverment will only find something else to spend it on ,iv read this entire thread again and im quite taken aback about how much nastyiness there is to people less fortunate than themselves ,the problems this country has are not of benefit claimnants making ,for instance take the banks ,or have you all forgot the greedy bankers ?

take the goverment esp the last labour one ,it was they that imported a million immigrants ,it was they who destroyed the mining industry in the 80,s ,it was they that allowed thousands of british jobs to go abroad ,yes there are people who swindle this and that ,always will be always has been

Look at history ,so before you lay blame for the countrys present situation think a bit deeper and also if the goverment stopped with immediate effect all money to under 25,s on monday how long do you think it would be before your house,car ,business was robbed ?

Seems to me its cheaper to pay people that not ,plus for every 100 quid the goverment pay out in benefits ,around 70 quid they get back in less than a week in tax .
OBVIOUSLY evaders aren't included in that to the same extent...but even a millionaire paying half his tax is much much better for the country than a 20k'er paying all their tax.
What about the rest of the millionaire's :?: Only 1 in 6 is paying taxes

Only a fraction of Britain's rich are paying income tax

I think this is what JohnD is pointing out.
Does anybody actually think what they pay in income tax will be reduced if everybody on benefits stopped claiming on monday 9 AM ?
Good question but don't you think reducing taxes improves the economy by boosting spending :?:
OBVIOUSLY evaders aren't included in that to the same extent...but even a millionaire paying half his tax is much much better for the country than a 20k'er paying all their tax.
What about the rest of the millionaire's :?: Only 1 in 6 is paying taxes

Only a fraction of Britain's rich are paying income tax

I think this is what JohnD is pointing out.

I also hear they ALL eat children too..the newspapers told me ;)
Does anybody actually think what they pay in income tax will be reduced if everybody on benefits stopped claiming on monday 9 AM ?

No, but the percentage of the tax that goes to pay for the interest on loans that this country has to take out to pay for them will go down. Meaning better services or less deficit.
The vast majority of taxes raised in this country is raised from the working class assuming they have a job.
Wealthy people, millionaires etc have the benefit of being able to afford expensive accountants and lawyers to keep their tax liabilities down, a working class man on PAYE does not have that luxury.
Nobody but nobody pays tax willingly, there are people being made redundant today who have never been out of work, people in their 50's who will probably never work again.
Some people are made redundant and through lifetimes connections they secure another job but those jobs are getting harder and harder to find.

Your posts are marked by opinion you present as facts, which are usually wrong as far as I can see. This latest one is particularly stupid.

Income Tax ( that is what this thread is about) collection listed below.

Top 1% pay 24.1% of total I.T. collected
91-99% ..... 29.2%..............................
51-90% .......35.1%.............................
11- 50% .....11%..............................
Bottom 10% pay 0.6% of ...................

To make it really easy for you:

The top 10% of earners pay 53.3% of all Income tax collected

The bottom 50% of earners pay 11.6% of all Income tax collected.

Please engage brain before opening mouth (typing)

This article also makes the interesting point that the lowest 70% of earners receive more from the system than they pay in, which presumably means the "working-class" that you quote ( bottom 30%/40% ? ) are by far the biggest "winners" from the system.

I quote this not to make any particular point - ************************** but to try and bring some firm, factual footing back to the discussion.
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