Cameron gets tough on benefit cheats !!!!

Yes David Cameron will start with his own house

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    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • No Definitely

    Votes: 18 72.0%

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The money has to be earnt not having the millionaire around means less income for the country, not having the benefit claimant around means more as although they do pay 17.5% vat, when 100% of that money came from the countries coffers, it doesn't make up for it.
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Not having a millionaire does not mean that the country earns less wealth. Millionaires more often have created or inhererited a position where they can profit from the efforts of others.

for example, if he is a company owner or shareholder, it is someone else that is doing the work and creating the wealth. Someone else can own the shares or the company with no impact to the community.

If he is Geoffrey Archer or Lord Black, then having him out of circulation will do nothing but good.

If he is a footballer or other entertainer, his loss will not reduce national wealth.

If he is a drug-dealer, loan-shark or slum landlord, his death will not reduce national wealth.

On the other hand if he is an inventor or trader, there might be a pause until the gap is filled.

You really do seem to have a very big problem with some people profiting from others - or giving them work as it is more usually known.

Would you prefer that employing anybody was banned and all employees were told to make their money themselves ?
So when you where banned as dangermouth last year you never posted under another name then. LIE if you say no
And under your other name you use now you use exactly the same terminolgy and words and its so obvious.

Yet more crap from a very sad old man. :rolleyes:

Would you please name my alleged alter ego's and I have nothing to hide from HMRC, can you say the same I wonder?

Your obviously a bit simple as less than 1% of my posts are about BG, I suggest you start an adult learning course to brush up your skills.
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I have also made countless helpfull posts mainly in the combustion chamber on this site.

Dear Penfold46
I meant this the General discussion Forum.

So coljack when your pretending to be a woman online whilst grooming young gamers what do you do with the toilet seat you lazy jobless freeloader?

I'm paid P.a.y.e so can't cheat tax even if I tried, Libby your whole family are a drain on society and everything that is wrong in Britain today, vermin is too soft a word. Vile scum breeds vile scum and you are typical of a British sink estate family who I would put in hard labour camps and be made sterile (to prevent more vermin being born) given the chance; no doubt your Vicky pollard daughter is fiddling the social as it's all that filth like your disgusting vile shameless family have ever known.

Anyway off to work now scum like Libby and his Vicky pollard daughter (does she even remember/know who the fathers of her children are?) depend on taxpayers like me to pay for his/her fags and booze.

Most ppl on benefits are parasitic vermin, and deserve to be shot.

Johnd and johnmelad are clearly deluded. Benefit claimants are vermin.

£5 000 000 000 a small amount of money? :eek:
You are retarded.

Libby you have admitted being a benefits cheat b4 and that your daughter is a Vicky pollard chav single mum. You truly are scum.

You make assumptions bawbag but know fek all; very ironic of you to talk about honesty when you are infact full of $hit.
Dangermouth so why have you not answered that you where posting under a different name when banned or does that make you out to be the liar you obviously are.
Touched a raw nerve have we fannybaws.

Anyone that reads the drivel you put will see its a fixation with BG
You really do seem to have a very big problem with some people profiting from others
no, you are wrong, I only have a big problem with prosperous swindlers evading their taxes.

I was giving an example of why we should not be grateful to a criminal, just because he is a millionaire.
Yeah, they aquire it by earning that hard to understand?
The difference between being given money and earning it?? This may be the crux of the problems I am having with you all.
Not having a millionaire does not mean that the country earns less wealth. Millionaires more often have created or inhererited a position where they can profit from the efforts of others.

for example, if he is a company owner or shareholder, it is someone else that is doing the work and creating the wealth. Someone else can own the shares or the company with no impact to the community.

If he is Geoffrey Archer or Lord Black, then having him out of circulation will do nothing but good.

If he is a footballer or other entertainer, his loss will not reduce national wealth.

If he is a drug-dealer, loan-shark or slum landlord, his death will not reduce national wealth.

On the other hand if he is an inventor or trader, there might be a pause until the gap is filled.

You're not that good with economics are you.

OK lets tackle the footballer thing. English footballer gets paid millions. How much tax does he pay? ££££
No footballer... How much tax does that no existent footballer pay ?? 0

Money is taxed when it changes hands, therefore without someone earning money or providing a service for someone else in order to get money, it sits in one place and isn't taxed. If someone earns millions, they pay a lot of tax. If someone earns less, they pay less tax.
you are falling into the foolish trap of thinking that if one footballer stops playing (e.g. he is sent to prison for tax evasion) then his place stays empty; the team carries on with ten players; the ticket price is cut by 9% and the money he would have earned disappears.

In fact, the world carries on perfectly well without him, and national wealth is not reduced.

Your point that "If someone earns millions, they pay a lot of tax. If someone earns less, they pay less tax." should be true, it only fails when some swinder evades the tax he should be paying, which is a point I have already made. In which case, the swindler is a crook who deserves no sympathy.
OK, say that guy is sent to prison for tax evasion, does that automatically make someone else worth their wage? Or will they play a player they were already paying? or will they sign up someone else? From another team (who is already paying tax)?

You obviously haven't thought about this,.

(a) they will carry on playing with a 10-man team and reduce the wages bill
(b) they will reshuffle and have another star player and end up paying about the same number of players about the same amount

my money's on (b)

As I said, the world carries on perfectly well without him, and national wealth is not reduced.

Do you really think that in some way national wealth is reduced?

you obviously haven't thought about this very well

Would you agree that "If someone earns millions, they pay a lot of tax. If someone earns less, they pay less tax." should be true, it only fails when some swinder evades the tax he should be paying, which is a point I have already made. In which case, the swindler is a crook who deserves no sympathy?

So if ronaldo goes to prison someone else automatically gets his wage? Haha. come on you can try better than that. Someone else will get a very small increase. Thats all. Worse off
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