Can you really vote for little rich boy?

Good point ! incidentally the richest M.P I believe is a Labour minister ???
Alot of us were not surprised at the expense fiddeling ?? that went on , the only surprise to me was , it was not as bad as I thought !!! Rich boy ??Mr Blair fit's that profile pretty well , & he is getting richer !!! who evwer get's in one fact will be a dead cert ' the gap between the have's & have not's (rich & poor) will get wider alway's has & alway's will !!!!!
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So two wrongs make a right then?

No, but i think the crookedness and immorality of mandelson vastly outweighs anything the tories are doing. The man is corrupt to olympic standard, and has a master degree in lining his own pocket with public money.

Exactly how many times does he have to be ejected from public office for dishonesty before you stop voting labour and putting him back in power then ? Once more? twice more? No limit - he can keep lining his pocket with our tax revenue as long as he wants as far as you are concerned?

If you want honest, accountable, decent mp's then you have to stop putting people like mandelson in power. if you vote labour, then dont
complain when he robs us blind, fiddles his expenses, sells favours, rakes off money and takes bribes - and he will.

If you turn a blind eye to his crooked activities, then your as bad as him.
No, but i think the crookedness and immorality of mandelson vastly outweighs anything the tories are doing. ...

Oh come off it! They're all as bad as each other. Remember this character before he fell from grace. Looking after his own like a good Tory should! (Or maybe saving up for a new duck-house?)
Under the slogan ''A Future Fair For All'', Gordon Brown sets out his “radical” plan to get the British economy moving in the Labour general election manifesto.
After 13 years they are promising to be fair does that mean that in the past they have been far from fair :eek: oh how now to look forward to the other parties manifesto of lies,the sooner the election come and goes the sodding better.
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There are rich scum and poor scum. Whether Tory, Labour or Liberal - that which we call scum by any other name still smells as rancid. The notion that one party can be all things to all people is ball-axe.

As Abe put it “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time”

If anyone thinks their life is suddenly going to be turned around because a certain party gets in they are simply deluding themselves! At least the Libs are more honest about the future, but when you are unelectable you can afford to be

I’m old enough to remember what it has been like from Harold Wilson to date. The choice has always felt like the difference between being shot or hung.

If you want a better life you should probably pick another country and vote with your feet.

View media item 21500 You forgot this one the eurozone and including us have rallied to the greek cause,so no matter who gets voted in our money gets spread far and wide,its said beware of greeks bearing gifts I wonder if it should be beware of giving greeks gifts.
.....After 13 years they are promising to be fair does that mean that in the past they have been far from fair :eek:
No. I think the idea is that Labour believe that you won't get a fair deal from Dave and his mates.

Don't set much store by manifestos: they're largely incoherent jumbles of ideas from which you can pick and mix, both as a voter and a politician. It's an old chestnut for the party in power to say "we have a mandate to do this" when introducing an unpopular measure because it was in the manifesto. In reality it was buried on page 97 and everyone had nodded off long before they got that far, and anyway, that wasn't the measure they were voted in on. :rolleyes:

As I said earlier get out there and vote according to your conscience - but make sure you do vote. Otherwise you won't have any right to moan if the result doesn't go the way you'd have liked.
View media item 21500 You forgot this one the eurozone and including us have rallied to the greek cause,so no matter who gets voted in our money gets spread far and wide,its said beware of greeks bearing gifts I wonder if it should be beware of giving greeks gifts.

I haven't seen that before; it's hideous! It's making my eyes go funny. I've seen more creative looking skid marks. I bet some goof got paid a million Euros for vomiting that monstrosity up too.

I don’t think I could like that even if I was wearing beer goggles. I wouldn’t wrap that flag around me if it was made of 25 Tog quilt after falling off the Pyrenees naked and it was the only thing around to keep me warm.

I’m not sure what I would be doing naked up the Pyrenees, but there you go. Trying to escape the rat race and get back to nature perhaps... :D
As far as the Labour Election MAnifesto goes, weve seen Browns performance when it comes to honoring his election promises. All talk, no action. He'll tell you what ever you want to hear then as soon as hes in power it'll all be scrapped.

Remember the promise of a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty?

Browns election manifesto isnt worth the paper its printed on, just like all his other broken election promises and lies.
The Tories were dumped in 1997 as the party of sleaze - now you want to vote them back in again? Are you mad?
The Tories were dumped in 1997 as the party of sleaze - now you want to vote them back in again? Are you mad?

...? I can't even be bothered to write down all the sleaze that we have seen in the last 13 years, but they include things that would make the tory's actions in the late 90s ( 13 years ago!!) seem like a misdemeanor.
The Tories were dumped in 1997 as the party of sleaze - now you want to vote them back in again? Are you mad?

...? I can't even be bothered to write down all the sleaze that we have seen in the last 13 years, but they include things that would make the tory's actions in the late 90s ( 13 years ago!!) seem like a misdemeanor.

Write it down then. Put up or shut up.
The Tories were dumped in 1997 as the party of sleaze - now you want to vote them back in again? Are you mad?

...? I can't even be bothered to write down all the sleaze that we have seen in the last 13 years, but they include things that would make the tory's actions in the late 90s ( 13 years ago!!) seem like a misdemeanor.

Write it down then. Put up or shut up.

How about this ONE, the illegal invasion of Iraq as a favour for George Bush resulting in the death of an estimated 100,000 civilians??

...but John major WAS banging ms currie...oooh...balances out does it?
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