Seriously, to all the "climatologists" who have a degree in f#ckall and read Facebook to understand science, you should be extremely concerned if the climate didn't change, if it became stable.
That would mean that the earth is dying.
As rightly pointed out, climate have always changed, at times a lot faster than now.
With higher levels of co2 the earth thrives.
See the jurassic era.
Plants feed on co2 and more plants mean more oxygen, more life, more abundance for all living creatures.
I too would like to ask: "What the hell do you do with environmental taxes? Do you pay mother nature to stop rotating the planet???"
No, you put it in your pocket, no 2 ways around it.
What these protesters should be more concerned is pollution, especially plastic pollution which is suffocating the environment.
That's where we can make a difference.
You know, my dear environmentalist, you could do without a plastic cup for your soya latte.
Start from there and then when you've cleaned your own act, try to get the politicians on board to pass legislation to clean our habits.
Not scams like the Prius imposition which is enslaving entire population in Africa and South America and causing more pollution than keeping our existing vehicles, but real effective changes, first of all the ban on single use plastic and wrapping.