Climate: The Movie

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I know the science isn't settled, that's why I've said it. I was responding to numerous posters on here who claim it is. It is also common to hear it stated in the media and amongst people who should know better.

Do you have evidence for your first sentence? The consensus estimation studies don't count.

The rest of your post is describing the precautionary principle. That we should do something just in case, which is fair enough. However, this also leaves the question: how much and how long is a piece of strong?

Policy makers and other interests are referring to the situation as "an emergency" and this notion is baked into government policy in the Western countries, although not most of the others. The idea of an emergency calls for extreme and urgent action and this is what we are seeing with massive impacts on out energy security, energy prices, the cost of fuel, and in numerous other ways. This is an abuse of the precautionary principle.
I've seen climate change in my lifetime.

It exists

The only issue is what to do about it.

Or Bury your head and ignore it
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Posting this one again so the SUBJECT MATTER can be discussed - again, please refrain from attacking the author, focus on content - methodological assumptions, data, points of view - and offer your own thoughts (not personalised hit pieces from bloggers or other third parties). Only refer to third parties in order to support your own viewpoint. You are only requested to apply your own thinking and common sense, and express yourself reasonably and clearly. Please refrain from lazy mud slinging including using the words "misinformation" and "lies".


IPCC goes off pieste with their standardisation methods in an attempt to achieve a hockey stick? Innocent mistake?

I've seen climate change in my lifetime.

It exists

The only issue is what to do about it.

Or Bury your head and ignore it

To say that you've seen that is like hearing somebody claim to have seen angels and spirits.

What you have seen is weather.

To the extent that there has been climate change, bearing in mind that the climate is dynamic and always has been, how do you know what it would look like right now if there hadn't been any human society? You cannot know what it would look like and nor can anybody else. You can guess or hypothesise, you can try to model it. That is all.

And this brings us back to my point, it isn't about acting or burying one's head. Those are extremes. How much action should be taken on the precautionary principle? There is a massive scale here. Do you want to dramatically reduce the human population? If so, will you be volunteering? Do you want all cars and heating systems to be banned? Do you want green taxes? What do you want to be done to address a problem you have admitted is not certain? Also, what do you intend to do about China, India and the other countries who don't give a damn about it and are building fleets of coal powered plants on a monthly basis? In case it has escaped your attention, we now have very little in the way of industry or a military and have massive debts, so our ability to force action is pretty limited. Same applies to the rest of the Western countries, bar the US which is also declining relative to the other major world bloc.

I'm not saying you are wrong, but asking what it is you think should be done and when will our sacrifices be enough to satisfy your interpretation of the precautionary principle?
He posted this thread so he could get excited about ruffling a fes feathers. He even said so.

Standard trolling.
to be fair - it stimulates debate and provides a platform to highlight how advocates for Green tech. are manipulated by fossil lobbyists. It's nice to see what they're up to. They don't get much air time in my neck o' the woods. :mrgreen:
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Please refrain from lazy mud slinging including using the words "misinformation" and "lies".


IPCC goes off pieste with their standardisation methods in an attempt to achieve a hockey stick? Innocent mistake?

Now you're trying to curtail my freedom of speech.
Now you're trying to curtail my freedom of speech.

It looks as though you've run out of things to say and are reduced to trolling. This doesn't reflect well on you or the alarmist narrative you have been promoting. Why not post elsewhere so the thread doesn't get clogged up? Unless you feel drawn to communicating with me for some reason? Whilst flattered by your interest, I have to politely decline any further communication, and hope you can respect that. Thanks.
Please refrain from lazy mud slinging including using the words "misinformation" and "lies".
its not mud slinging -it accurately describes the film you posted (the documentary contains provable misinformation and lies)

Are you saying you should be allowed to post propaganda in a public form and not be challenged?

Please respond to this: So why should I not be allowed to use the words "misinformation" and "lies" when those words correctly describe the contents of the film
It looks as though you've run out of things to say and are reduced to trolling. This doesn't reflect well on you or the alarmist narrative you have been promoting. Why not post elsewhere so the thread doesn't get clogged up? Unless you feel drawn to communicating with me for some reason? Whilst flattered by your interest, I have to politely decline any further communication, and hope you can respect that. Thanks.
opinion stated as fact

Notch, you are behaving obsessively and continuing to carpet bomb the thread despite repeated requests to stop doing so. This appears to be typical of those who promote the alarmist narrative - which suggests they lack confidence in what they claim is a settled matter. I have therefore been left with no choice but to add you to my ignore list. I will not see any more of your vexatious, obsessive posting. Thank you for your interest all the same.
IPCC goes off pieste with their standardisation methods in an attempt to achieve a hockey stick? Innocent mistake?
why do you conclude "IPCC is using an attempt to achieve a hockey stick"

and why does Judith Currey repeatedly talk about a "hockey stick graph"?

and why does Judith Curry say this:

A “hockey stick” temperature graph has made a comeback in the latest IPCC report from 2021 (AR6), after being absent in the fourth and fifth reports.

Unlike the previous two reports which included multiple temperature estimates, AR6 relies on just one temperature estimate for the past 1000-2000 years, sparking criticism."

yet she goes on to show a graph from 2001:

"This particular version is from the Summary for Policymakers of the IPCC’s third assessment report from 2001"

is she presenting false information?
Notch, you are behaving obsessively and continuing to carpet bomb the thread despite repeated requests to stop doing so. This appears to be typical of those who promote the alarmist narrative - which suggests they lack confidence in what they claim is a settled matter. I have therefore been left with no choice but to add you to my ignore list. I will not see any more of your vexatious, obsessive posting. Thank you for your interest all the same.
Berty cant cope with anybody holding his misinformation to account
Berty 3000 wants this thread to be his personal propaganda thread

I have to politely decline any further communication
I have therefore been left with no choice but to add you to my ignore list.

I personally dont think a public forum should be allowed to be a propaganda outlet

If Berty cannot accept responses that scrutinise and challenge his posts which contain false information, this thread should be locked
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