Concentration camps

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They are no-more crackpot than any others.

The burden of proof lies with you to prove that 12,000,000 people - 24 times the population of Liverpool disappeared without a trace.
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Oh and Uri - why did they keep the typhus victims alive and kill the healthy?


Hmm. Your theory with NO evidence is as valid as the Holocaust with all its evidence?

Answer the questions I have posted you instead of dodign them. Answer the questions others have posed for you instead of dodging them?
I've answered them all. The evidence that you believe in is flawed - but you don't want to know that do you?
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So let's recap on numbers then.

Peaps and Alumni think the figure is 12 million.

You think it is 4 million.

Snico thinks it's 2-3 million.

Can you see we have a problem here? No-one seems to know what the numbers are - so how can we take any of it seriously?

Then we come down to how many died in transit? How many from typhus etc.

Can you see why I'm struggling to make any sense out of this?

Still telling lies and twisting the truth I see Joe.
To help you clarify things please show where I started that figure.

it's a simple task so be a good chap and show everyone.
Or are we to assume you are really so silly to make things upand claim it to be the truth?
They are no-more crackpot than any others.

The burden of proof lies with you to prove that 12,000,000 people - 24 times the population of Liverpool disappeared without a trace.

I have never stated the figure 12 million as you well know, I have explained how even if their was 12 million victims the physial evidence may no longer be retrievable.

Explain the demographic make up of the area now known as Israel before and after its formation.

You seemed to like the idea that Jews were driven over the borders of Germany, that was the Final Solution, at least how you alluded to. Were is the evidence for that?

Have all the German bodies, Soviet bodies, British bodies all recovered? Can you prove them numbers are correct and the Jewish numbers are wrong? And you say you are merely after the truth? Only were the Jews are concerned, you are showing you anti semitic bias.

You point to areas were there isn't evidence in other peoples arguments, where the evidence does not exist does not support your argument as you semm to think, you have to provide your own evidence. The burden of proof is yours.
So there we have it. Joe makes false claims and makes things up in a feeble attempt to add gravitas to his argument.
Good of you to show us you are no more than a charlatan.

nice one fella. :mrgreen:
Have you noticed peaps that your support is waning?

Two reasons.

1) When they research to prove me wrong - they can't help but realise I'm right.

2) They think that Nizkor are an extreme group no better than the Neo-Nazis.

Oh and Uri is more a hindrance to your cause than an asset.


For every quote and link you have posted others have posted a rebuttal. You evidence is naught.
As for me being a hindrance? My arguments are different to peaps2, the arguments are both questioning you but from different angles. Also you do not seem to be able to answer my questions, unless you count resorting to hinting that I am a Jew, obviously you think this is an insult, it isn't, it is just not correct, not a Jew I am afraid. Although in this debate I am more than happy to be counted alongside them.

So maybe you want to answer the following questions?

1. You mention earlier you used to believe the Holocaust happened until you read literature that said otherwise. Can I ask, were you an anti semnite before you read this literature or did this only come about afterwards?

2. You keep mentioning the 6 million and 12 million bodies figure to me. I have not brought this up but you have. I honestly do not know numbers but I do know is that during the hardships of was peoples remains are quite easily lost, especially when you are talking about a regime that went out of their way to dispose of bodies. Of course you can never dig up 12 million bodies, even if they were all intact and date stamped with date and cause of death. Remains are and will always will be lost. How many people died in the trenches? Did we recover all their bodies?

3. The London Blitz, I do not know how many people died in that, I bet google and whyatever can tell you that, but the numbers will be approximated. As above remains are destroyed, people are lost. You tell me how many people died in the Blitz, and where they are all buried so I can confirm otherwise the Blitz did not happen. And the Blitz did not last as long nor involved the numbers the Holocaust did so your task is easier. Your argument is a joke. Lack of bodies is not proof.

4. To go back to one of my first points, what if we were to decide the Holocaust did not happen, then what? Hitler was still a genocidal, dictator who imprisoned and casused the death of not only his own people but the Polish aswell as anyone else who came along that he diodn't like. Do you think the removal of the Holocaust label will somehow vindicate him?

5. As an anti semite shouldn't the Neo nazis be supporting the idea of the Holocaust? As it represented the deaths of the "evil" Jew? Why deny it? What is their/your agenda? Is it to claim that Neo Nazis are not the bad guys they are made out to be but are tainted because the Jew paints them so?

6. Who organised this big conspiracy and how can it invlolve not only the Jews, (they are all of a mind so if they decide something then as a pack they follow, individuality is not allowed if you are a Jew apparently), but the allied soldiers, the prisoners of war, the Nazi soldiers and the statements of the Nazi hierarchy upto and including Hitler who made no secret of wisheing to dispose of the Jew? That is one big powerful conspiracy, must have at least started out when Hitler made his move into politics, the Jews must have been poisoning his mind way back then in attempt to start a Second World War.

Lets see if I get called a Jew again. The usual response to people who argue with joe-90.

Questions not answered.
They are no-more crackpot than any others.

The burden of proof lies with you to prove that 12,000,000 people - 24 times the population of Liverpool disappeared without a trace.

I have never stated the figure 12 million as you well know, I have explained how even if their was 12 million victims the physial evidence may no longer be retrievable.

Explain the demographic make up of the area now known as Israel before and after its formation.

You seemed to like the idea that Jews were driven over the borders of Germany, that was the Final Solution, at least how you alluded to. Were is the evidence for that?

Have all the German bodies, Soviet bodies, British bodies all recovered? Can you prove them numbers are correct and the Jewish numbers are wrong? And you say you are merely after the truth? Only were the Jews are concerned, you are showing you anti semitic bias.

You point to areas were there isn't evidence in other peoples arguments, where the evidence does not exist does not support your argument as you semm to think, you have to provide your own evidence. The burden of proof is yours.

No it's not it's yours. If I say the holocaust has no credible evidence then it is for YOU to provide it.

According to the story the Jews were intentionally murdered - so what did they do with 12 million bodies? Simple question really. Why can't you answer it?
So there we have it. Joe makes false claims and makes things up in a feeble attempt to add gravitas to his argument.
Good of you to show us you are no more than a charlatan.

nice one fella. :mrgreen:

Well you tell us here and now.

How many millions died in the Holocaust?

Do it now.

(he won't)

(he can't)
Have you noticed peaps that your support is waning?

Two reasons.

1) When they research to prove me wrong - they can't help but realise I'm right.

2) They think that Nizkor are an extreme group no better than the Neo-Nazis.

Oh and Uri is more a hindrance to your cause than an asset.


For every quote and link you have posted others have posted a rebuttal. You evidence is naught.
As for me being a hindrance? My arguments are different to peaps2, the arguments are both questioning you but from different angles. Also you do not seem to be able to answer my questions, unless you count resorting to hinting that I am a Jew, obviously you think this is an insult, it isn't, it is just not correct, not a Jew I am afraid. Although in this debate I am more than happy to be counted alongside them.

So maybe you want to answer the following questions?

1. You mention earlier you used to believe the Holocaust happened until you read literature that said otherwise. Can I ask, were you an anti semnite before you read this literature or did this only come about afterwards?

2. You keep mentioning the 6 million and 12 million bodies figure to me. I have not brought this up but you have. I honestly do not know numbers but I do know is that during the hardships of was peoples remains are quite easily lost, especially when you are talking about a regime that went out of their way to dispose of bodies. Of course you can never dig up 12 million bodies, even if they were all intact and date stamped with date and cause of death. Remains are and will always will be lost. How many people died in the trenches? Did we recover all their bodies?

3. The London Blitz, I do not know how many people died in that, I bet google and whyatever can tell you that, but the numbers will be approximated. As above remains are destroyed, people are lost. You tell me how many people died in the Blitz, and where they are all buried so I can confirm otherwise the Blitz did not happen. And the Blitz did not last as long nor involved the numbers the Holocaust did so your task is easier. Your argument is a joke. Lack of bodies is not proof.

4. To go back to one of my first points, what if we were to decide the Holocaust did not happen, then what? Hitler was still a genocidal, dictator who imprisoned and casused the death of not only his own people but the Polish aswell as anyone else who came along that he diodn't like. Do you think the removal of the Holocaust label will somehow vindicate him?

5. As an anti semite shouldn't the Neo nazis be supporting the idea of the Holocaust? As it represented the deaths of the "evil" Jew? Why deny it? What is their/your agenda? Is it to claim that Neo Nazis are not the bad guys they are made out to be but are tainted because the Jew paints them so?

6. Who organised this big conspiracy and how can it invlolve not only the Jews, (they are all of a mind so if they decide something then as a pack they follow, individuality is not allowed if you are a Jew apparently), but the allied soldiers, the prisoners of war, the Nazi soldiers and the statements of the Nazi hierarchy upto and including Hitler who made no secret of wisheing to dispose of the Jew? That is one big powerful conspiracy, must have at least started out when Hitler made his move into politics, the Jews must have been poisoning his mind way back then in attempt to start a Second World War.

Lets see if I get called a Jew again. The usual response to people who argue with joe-90.

Questions not answered.

Is that the best you can come up with? Somebody that doesn't like Jews?

What's the word for someone that doesn't like Germans?

The London Blitz happened - and no one doubts it. The 20,000 that died were mainly recovered. Take a trip to the London cemeteries and see. ;)
joe-90";p="2462932 said:
They are no-more crackpot than any others.

The burden of proof lies with you to prove that 12,000,000 people - 24 times the population of Liverpool disappeared without a trace.

I have never stated the figure 12 million as you well know, I have explained how even if their was 12 million victims the physial evidence may no longer be retrievable.

Explain the demographic make up of the area now known as Israel before and after its formation.

You seemed to like the idea that Jews were driven over the borders of Germany, that was the Final Solution, at least how you alluded to. Were is the evidence for that?

Have all the German bodies, Soviet bodies, British bodies all recovered? Can you prove them numbers are correct and the Jewish numbers are wrong? And you say you are merely after the truth? Only were the Jews are concerned, you are showing you anti semitic bias.

You point to areas were there isn't evidence in other peoples arguments, where the evidence does not exist does not support your argument as you semm to think, you have to provide your own evidence. The burden of proof is yours.

No it's not it's yours. If I say the holocaust has no credible evidence then it is for YOU to provide it.quote]

So if I disagree with historical fact then it is for you to provide the evidence? I do not believe the numbers of those who died in the Blitz, prove it. I do not believe the numbers of Soviets who died fighting the Germans, prove it.

I am asking the same dumb question you ask when you expect people to tell you were the 12 million bodies are.

My question is meant to be facile as it is the SAME as yours, do you not realise this? Now about the other questions we still want an answer for.
Oh and Uri - why did they keep the typhus victims alive and kill the healthy?



Come on Uri.

You have to keep your slave labour healthy so they can work for you. Burying their fellow Jews.

Besides keeping disease down in any concentraion camp/prison is advisable because you do not want the guards getting ill if you can help it.

And another question not answered, what was the Final solution?
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