Congratulations sir kier

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Re-form about as relevant as the greens each on 4. Re join Europe got 9000 or so votes. Are there only that few who want to rejoin?
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It goes far deeper than pinning this on Sunak.
The tories need to cull the mad-behind-the-eyes, populist, far-right hatemongers from their ranks, and get some moderate, centre-right competence.
Pity that Braverman (sic?) clung on.
The bigger issue is how far to the right they'll have to go to match the rhetoric of Farage and his minions. Braverman and Patel have already drunk the kool-ayd so it's just a matter of how many others they can persuade to sup the cup and embrace the insanity.
Tories already nationalised rail, during covid after they all went bust. They are private in name only. Labour says once the licenses come up, they will take them over. So that is a continuation of the strategy.
I just heard some Tory supporter yelling at Sunak- Looser. ;) I think I picked some up in this thread. ;) Might be imagination. Garbage attitude really. He might make a great PM but given the baggage he has inherited you get the result he has had.

Farage / Bannon plot. I don't think the results really indicate that will work.

Unfortunately the lessons from blair's innings were not learned
Now just what are these factors that have to be learned?
Tories already nationalised rail, during covid after they all went bust. They are private in name only. Labour says once the licenses come up, they will take them over. So that is a continuation of the strategy.
It looks like the actual rail network was never sold. Just services. A somewhat hidden factor is some aspects of that have already been nationalised in certain places.
I managed to stay up until 5am watching it all unfold. Although Holyrood (Scottish Parliament) numbers remain unchanged off the back of this GE, I'm pleased the SNP has suffered a horrendous night in terms of UK Parliament numbers, hopefully that will carry through to 2016 or whenever we have the Scottish election.

I now watch with interest to see how well Labour do now it's 'over to them' ...
Hunt has spent his own money to retain his seat. Seems he managed it with a rather low margin and spent all of his time canvassing there.

The Libs have a record number of seats. Policy or Tory drift?
Isn't that what happened last time?

Perils of FPTP system, and adversarial politics.

We have so many issues - big issues - that will only get sorted with cross-bench support which, to me, is as good a practical reason as any, to move to PR, and coalition governance.
Re-form about as relevant as the greens each on 4.
I would argue that the 'reform' vote is more relevant as it gives garbage a platform for next time around...

And as much as I hate what he mostly stands for, he is right about one thing...

The electoral system in the UK is wrong.

Labour got 34% of the vote (so far) which is way less than the nasty party got in 2019.

And yet Labour gets double the majority and 64% of the seats - that's wrong!

'reform' gets 14% of the vote and yet only 1% of the seats - that's wrong!

The Greens get 7% of the vote and yet only 1% of the seats - that's wrong!

There are a lot of people in the UK who are not properly represented and that has to change!
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