Congratulations sir kier

Good to see smogg dumped...

That was a 'portillo moment' (y)

Although no doubt his 'reward' will be a place in the 'Lords ' (n)
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would argue that the 'reform' vote is more relevant as it gives garbage a platform for next time around...
That is the plan according to Nigel.
He said Reform took the Tory vote to punish them.
The Labour vote is next.
I would argue that the 'reform' vote is more relevant as it gives garbage a platform for next time around...
Maybe, but far rages true platform is gee bee news and the right wing media. The toreys have a choice between the centre ground and lurching further to the right. After a few years of bitter infighting they will probably go even further into reforms territory leaving the centre ground open to labor.
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The British public overwhelmingly got behind labour thinking they would do a great job yep their share of the vote went up by 1 or 2% from the corbyn debacle
The electoral system in the UK is wrong.
You need to find the voting for each individual seat. Apply your version of PR and see what happens. In any case the more parties there are the more the vote is fractured as per it is now.

End adversarial politics. Is some one joking? Actually even with FPTP there is always some common thread other than when real nutcases crop up. Those might be successful or might not.

Germany indicates how PR can work. Years of a coalition where the minor party had 12% of the vote. Just how much influence should that have? How much will they be allowed to have?

Currently the Libs have 13% of the vote. A 1% increase and have a record number of seats.This is a direct indication that just looking at % of votes doesn't mean anything at all. Look at number of seats and the relationship is entirely different. You can do the same with Reform where it just hasn't worked out for them even with targetting as the Libs used There vote is too spread out to areas where it is infective. Under PR in most cases they would be kicked out and the election run again.
Hunt has spent his own money to retain his seat. Seems he managed it with a rather low margin and spent all of his time canvassing there.

The Libs have a record number of seats. Policy or Tory drift?
They won Chelmsford, which I thought would be impossible. I wonder if partly Tory drift. My parents even mentioned "the lockdown parties" when we had a very brief discussion about politics (we never talk politics, and they never admit to always voting Tory!) - I wonder if many older people we disgusted with the way they handled the pandemic.

I'm now an islander.

That is the plan according to Nigel.
He said Reform took the Tory vote to punish them.
The Labour vote is next.
One could be forgiven for thinking that he has looked at the tactics of a certain corporal roughly a century ago ;)
Maybe, but far rages true platform is gee bee news and the right wing media. The toreys have a choice between the centre ground and lurching further to the right. After a few years of bitter infighting they will probably go even further into reforms territory leaving the centre ground open to labor.
They need to do a Labour. Sort their cread out. Sort out their MP's to get a consistent set They also need to consider the fact that Labour won and the other results.

I'd say it's hard to predict which way they will go. Farage / Bannon, Their vote is too fractured. The number of seats they have gained shows that. It's probably mostly a Brexit hang over and olden days factors. Actually that aspect must have a relationship with the number of different noises that come out of their MP's. Not much noise about that has come out but the wheeler dealer aspects related to cabinet positions is blatantly apparent.
The British public overwhelmingly got behind labour thinking they would do a great job yep their share of the vote went up by 1 or 2% from the corbyn debacle

A lot of people realised just how bad the Tories were.

It's been common knowledge for a while.
South East has gone matching cardigans with a big shift to LD from CONS.

Rishi Resigned as Conservative leader, I suspect he may even step down as an MP.
but also they dont have any confidence in labour hence why the low percentage
1 way of reading an overwhelming result.

Compared to other winning percentages, it doesnt sound that low

The chart below provides data on share of votes by party in UK General Elections from 1918 to 2019. This chart and supporting reference table and notes are available in the Briefing Paper on page 7. Results for each individual UK constituency at every General Election from 1918 to 2019 may be found in a further Library data download on General Election Results.

vote share at general elections
The bigger issue is how far to the right they'll have to go to match the rhetoric of Farage and his minions. Braverman and Patel have already drunk the kool-ayd so it's just a matter of how many others they can persuade to sup the cup and embrace the insanity.

Five years of socialism and we'll be doing a France.
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