Congratulations sir kier

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It would be better to offer tax breaks to house builders who help them meet their targets. But that is more of a capitalist approach.

That just increases housebuilders profits at the expense of the taxpayer, with no more houses bring built. No benefit to the buyer.

Stamp duty discounts do the same.

As you say, more of Conservative approach.
No it's called an incentive to do the things you want someone to do. Like a sales person on commission or a lawyer on a conditional fee. No sale, no bonus, no win, no champaign..

Business is about doing things that make money. If you make it hard, people wish you good luck and watch your sh@t show.
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Who is paying them extra? You are incentivising them to do something that currently they do not do.

Why are house builders slow to build houses?
- Supply and demand of labour and materials vs supply and demand for the finished product.

The faster you try to make it, the more expensive it gets and the less demand there is.

Tesla build about 2M cars a year.. They clearly make a profit, so why not build 10M cars a year?

Is it:

A) because the faster they try to build them, the more they have to spend on building them and the lower the demand for the finished product
B) they didn't think of that.
So Rachel Reeves promise to:

"get Britain building again" by bringing back compulsory housebuilding targets as part of a wide-ranging plan to reboot the UK economy,

is just waffle and BS from labour?
Given that its 300,00 per year or 1.5 million over the period of government it going to be a challenge. Especially as you can't just magic extra building capacity and change the planning regulations etc. Even with a lot of luck, planning, action and a fair wind it will take 18 months to get on track so that's a lot more than 300,000 per year for the 3 1/2 years left.

Do the house builders even have that capacity never mind supply side both materials and skilled labour?

Don't get me wrong I don't disagree we need more houses on brown and grey land but I fear the lady is setting herself up for a fall.
Who is paying them extra? You are incentivising them to do something that currently they do not do.

Why are house builders slow to build houses?
- Supply and demand of labour and materials vs supply and demand for the finished product.

The faster you try to make it, the more expensive it gets and the less demand there is.

Tesla build about 2M cars a year.. They clearly make a profit, so why not build 10M cars a year?

Is it:

A) because the faster they try to build them, the more they have to spend on building them and the lower the demand for the finished product
B) they didn't think of that.
Or c they did market research and set production accordingly.

Why do you persist with closed questions? A. You can't think of other options or B, you think it makes you look clever?
300k Just so happens to be around the number of plots' worth of land, currently banked by the big three or four UK housebuilders.

RR is not as dumb as the hornsmokers on here.
300K is just one year of the target if they start laying foundations tomorrow. Where is the next 1.2 million going to come from?
300K is just one year of the target if they start laying foundations tomorrow. Where is the next 1.2 million going to come from?

300K is just one year of the target if they start laying foundations tomorrow. Where is the next 1.2 million going to come from?

I found that figure from a quick Google, while picking up second - born from golf.there may be more.

Regardless, that's a year in which to lay the groundwork on the grey and brown sites.

With your "can't do" attitude, it's little wonder the country is going down the pan.
But it's easier to blame "boat people". (y)
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