Congratulations sir kier

not aimed at you at all. I don't see you as an angry socialist.
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Motorbiking wants to live in a country without properly funded public services.

Public health?

Weights and measures?

Accident prevention?

Food standards?

Road safety?

In other news today:

"Chinese authorities have opened an investigation into cooking oil shipments after a local media report alleged that fuel tankers had been used to carry edible oil without being cleaned, setting off the latest food safety scandal in the country.

An undercover video by state-backed Beijing News last week showed numerous fuel tanker trucks carried cooking oil, with one driver calling it an “open secret” in the industry that truckers didn’t clean their tanks when switching between hauling toxic and edible liquids.

“I haul sugar, honey, molasses, cooking oil, motor lubricant,” another driver said in the video. “I haul everything.” A third truck driver said he usually did not pay the Rmb400-500 ($55-69) to wash his truck’s tank before changing cargo."

Motorbiking sneers at serious press media.
MBK and his ilk, will use public services as and when it's convenient for them to do so. When it comes to paying (taxes) for them, they claim that the company liable for paying those taxes, exists somewhere other than the UK.
Except I don't - I pay a lot of tax every year and fit snuggly in to the 1% who pay 28% of all income tax.

The parasites are those who moan that others should pay more tax, so that they can enjoy the benefits of tax funded free services that they haven't contributed to. That is pretty much the definition of parasite.
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Except I don't - I pay a lot of tax every year and fit snuggly in to the 1% who pay 28% of all income tax.

The parasites are those who moan that others should pay more tax, so that they can enjoy the benefits of tax funded free services that they haven't contributed to. That is pretty much the definition of parasite.

So you believe that the 1% who you claim to belong to should only pay the least in individual terms?

Because we all know that those who earn the most ( the 1%) have clever accountants...

Whilst moaning about 'parasites' and 'tax funded free services' ?

And yet you still use those services...

Ever been to A&E?

You are the problem and the definition of a parasite!
I've not said anything of the sort.. btw I was referring to the 1% of tax payers who pay 28% of all income tax (in fact 29%), not someone who has managed his affairs to not pay much income tax. Its not complex...

43% pay no income tax.
10% pay over 60% of all income tax
1% pay over 28%

and you think its those who pay the most, that are the parasites.. righto.
LOL I made and odd mistake - MG - Japan. pity maybe that it isn't. It's China. There are signs of more trouble to come in this area. So far it's mostly electric cars and some critical bits and materials for them. Just stick to the complete vehicles. US 100% tariff, EU ~30%. Us pass. Material tariffs in the US relate to maintaining and finding other sources -if they can. Must have their own chips. Tricky so get an overseas company from the east to build it for you. They want to see it profitable.

A type of protectionist trade war of old with bells on. Generally tariffs have been fairly low of late.

It seems Hungary is already getting a rail track terminus that runs direct from China and a giga factory. Some countries are making trade deals with China. Oz had a spiff with them and they retaliated.
A problem for Keir. A body that represents the water companies have worked out a fix it cost and an average cost increase on our bills. This includes a number of things including allowing for expansion in various sectors not just houses. The watchdog has slashed it. Cost of living seems to be the reason - that has been used by the Tory a lot of the time they were in.

They claim our current costs accounting for inflation are lower than they have been and the increase on that basis wouldn't change that. They are sort of saying they have run out of savings due to efficiency improvements.

As things now stand it seems our costs will increase by 20% over 5 years. My wife heard 19% mentioned. What they want in one go? I don't know.
I’d be happy to pay no tax and pay for every single thing I consumed from the state. I’d be significantly better off. Would you?

so you boast of paying a bit of tax, but would prefer to stop

As I've often said, it is better to earn good money and pay tax on it, than not.

you resent the poor not having enough to pay much tax.
The parasites are those who moan that others should pay more tax, so that they can enjoy the benefits of tax funded free services that they haven't contributed to. That is pretty much the definition of parasite.

people like motorbiking want the rich to pay less and the poor to pay more.

"others should pay more tax," says motorbiking
If he paid all his employees more, they would pay more tax.

So simply pay yourself less, you will pay less tax so will be better off (but you won't be). Your employees will all pay more tax and will be worse off (but they won't be)

Which do you prefer? More income and paying more tax or less income so you pay less tax.
I've not said anything of the sort.. btw I was referring to the 1% of tax payers who pay 28% of all income tax (in fact 29%), not someone who has managed his affairs to not pay much income tax. Its not complex...

43% pay no income tax.
10% pay over 60% of all income tax
1% pay over 28%

and you think its those who pay the most, that are the parasites.. righto.
Pensioners are indeed parasites by your definition but we accept that as being part of a humane society.
A person who wants to pay less tax so that others pay more?

I’d be happy to pay no tax and pay for every single thing I consumed from the state. I’d be significantly better off.

That's Motorbiking the parasite.
Pensioners are indeed parasites by your definition but we accept that as being part of a humane society.
I pointed out that rather a high percentages of pensioners have additional income so will be paying tax. There state pension is likely to be taken of their tax allowance. Poorer one some of it. Due to the probable nature of their other pension they will have contracted out of the full state Those that contracted out who retired ~10 years ago and more recently may have contracted back in.

Pension turns out to be too little - support packages are available

LOL Maybe I should mention occupational schemes still figure highly and private pensions are at rather lower levels but no doubt will grow.
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the fact that the previous governments tax rises have dragged low paid people and some pensioners towards paying tax
does not make pensioners a special case.

these tax rises hit everybody
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