Congratulations sir kier

Guess where those high earners will go if we lose our competitiveness.
You mean like having a **** healthcare system, decrepit infrastructure and a broken legal system with overflowing prisons, as well as literal **** floating down the Thames?

Competitiveness is not just about tax. Which is why not all high earners do move to Dubai.
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That's looking at it the wrong way round.
It's a Wail-esque approach. They use the same tired tactic when they ask the dumb question about refugees...." how many should we let in".
I just a way of deflecting/ignoring topics they are uncomfortable with.
You mean like having a **** healthcare system, decrepit infrastructure and a broken legal system with overflowing prisons, as well as literal **** floating down the Thames?

Competitiveness is not just about tax. Which is why not all high earners do move to Dubai.
must be some reason why motorbiking hasn't psed off yet.
If you're in a well paid professional role then the NHS isn't a problem, your company BUPA scheme covers it.

If you're well paid then the cost of living crisis isn't a crisis at all, it's an annoyance.

If you're in the top 1% you might physically live in the UK but you're not living in the same UK as the 90% are.
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Re those in favour of taxing the rich more (I don't just mean on here, I mean generally) I wonder what top rate of tax they think would be reasonable? I'm not coming at that question from a 'ready to start an argument' perspective, I'd genuinely be interested to know e.g. if all those people were surveyed, what would the resultant chart look like if it had segments ranging from 50% to 90%.
Motorbiking has illustrated 2 factors. As incomes go up ~around ~average numbers start to dwindle, The ~ as the whole area is blurred. There aren't any fixed points it's just a trend. The other is it varies around the country. So you add some new threshold and it will apply to fewer and fewer people and those who live in more affluent areas pay more but they are a small proportion of the population. If you want an extra £1b it needs to be related to the number who earn enough to pay it. I think more progressive is better eg one form

The US use a more progressive system where you need to work out the marginal rate which are
Marginal rates: For tax year 2024, the top tax rate remains 37% for individual single taxpayers with incomes greater than $609,350 ($731,200 for married couples filing jointly).
The other rates are:
35% for incomes over $243,725 ($487,450 for married couples filing jointly)
32% for incomes over $191,950 ($383,900 for married couples filing jointly)
24% for incomes over $100,525 ($201,050 for married couples filing jointly)
22% for incomes over $47,150 ($94,300 for married couples filing jointly)
12% for incomes over $11,600 ($23,200 for married couples filing jointly)
The lowest rate is 10% for incomes of single individuals with incomes of $11,600 or less ($23,200 for married couples filing jointly).

The income level is broken down into bands and tax at some rate is applied in that band and then the next etc until the income doesn't reach it. They also have tax reliefs much like ours.

LOL However Trump went Ragan and played with them. Biden wants to aim the change at more Americans not the fewer so they loose out. Pass how- it just gets a mention as does Trumps changes.
must be some reason why motorbiking hasn't psed off yet.
He's the same as any voter and is entitled to gripe about the politics of the party he never voted for.
Just like I griped about lying scumbag Boris and his chums making poor people poorer. MBK wil gripe that he won't be as wealthy as he'd like to be, or it'll take more effort or some such.
He's been griping that employees will be protected against unfair dismissal.
No I've been griping that UK jobs will be lost.. but it doesn't suit your argument to acknowledge that.
I'm in favour of removing some of the generous handouts that enable the rich to pay lower rates of tax by not paying income tax.
of course you are - you like other people to pay more tax so you can enjoy the benefit of less tax.
A person who wants to pay less tax so that others pay more?
Isn't that your definition of a parasite.?
If you're in a well paid professional role then the NHS isn't a problem, your company BUPA scheme covers it.

If you're well paid then the cost of living crisis isn't a crisis at all, it's an annoyance.

If you're in the top 1% you might physically live in the UK but you're not living in the same UK as the 90% are.
Such is life.


Then many (most?) things money related that the masses need to fret about, the rich don't.

As I've said before numerous times, has always been this way, will always be that way.
Someone earning 500k a year will take home:
500k living in Dubai
270k living in the UK
260k living in Germany or Sweden
over 290k living in NY, CA or Spain
215k in france 265k in italy
When are you emigrating?
No I've been griping that UK jobs will be lost..

Is that why Dyson announced he's cutting 1,000 jobs right after the election?
It's been clear to everyone - apart from Rish! Sunak - that Labour would win and the new guy at Dyson didn't waste any time putting Plan A into operation.
that Labour would win and the new guy at Dyson didn't waste any time putting Plan A into operation.
Yet as far as he is concerned Labour is mostly no different to the Tory plan. The new guy's aim is to help Dyson compete with his competition. They have had a long time to catch up with him. His design history has given him an advantage but that is flagging on brand new products.

Job losses - without knowing all numbers and areas it's not possible to know what he is at. It could just be cost cutting.
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