Congratulations sir kier

I can't wait to hear the wailing from mbk and all the advocates of zero-hour contracts when a 4-day working week is adopted by the Labour government. Trials at Cambridge University have shown it makes people more productive and less stressed.

Of the 61 organisations that took part in a six-month UK pilot in 2022, 54 (89%) are still operating the policy a year later, and 31 (51%) have made the change permanent. More than half (55%) of project managers and CEOs said a four-day week – in which staff worked 100% of their output in 80% of their time – had a positive impact on their organisation, the report found.
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So that just leaves job losses for upcoming UK professionals.. good job, great plan, well done. (y)
Heard it all before.

Our employment rights are weak.

Nothing wrong with dismissing people you have employed who aren't up to the job. You can do that now.
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I've no idea why Dyson is cutting UK jobs.
Me neither. It could be because he has too much bloat in the design area. He can work on a V9,999 but in some respects he has had a long run on that and his stuff tends to be on the expensive side. Others catch up. They may decide to just attack the V whatever market. Not so many people needed. He has that problem what ever he decides to make. He needs more products to grow. He might also intend to move design off shore. Maybe a mix. He has already had supply chain problems in this country. So putting the stuff together went elsewhere, He also appears to use a country where the employment rules are unlikely to be acceptable elsewhere. Main point from the UK end - loss of jobs for the minions. A problem in many areas. Lumping design in with all services is a bit of a joke. What about barristers and the once greatest UK new job creator McDonald's.

Fact is bearing the above in mind he has a business model problem. His vacs went well because they used a brand new idea that has evolved over time. It isn't new any more. He tries hand driers ok they are different but still hand driers there are many other designs about and all are fundamentally the same.

Some companies might decide to sell part of their business or drop out of it as it's at the end game stage, This happened with transistors US made the best. The east caught up. US could no longer compete. China is interesting in this general area. Say they produce a semiconductor who's spec is lower than the best. This may not matter if it's good enough for the job. Similarly the US concentrate on high end when there is still a big markets for older lower spec stuff.

LOL I feel like commenting on a UK designed hot water dispenser made in China and comparing it with a German brand that they may have designed or just picked up from China. Usage wise the UK one's tank goes in and out from the front. The new one - well at the back so not so easy to fill. It could use the same arrangement as the UK one which is more design that considers usage more carefully. The German one's control of water temp has a flaw that could be fixed.
He said it's due to competitors in the Asian market, like Shark, who're eating into his enormous profits and leaving them nothing more to feast on than a curly-wurly and a pot noodle at the company picnic.
Welcome back. Had a nice break? Let’s see how long you’re here this time. Do you think making your first post DIY related threw anyone off the scent? lol. Not when you steamed straight in to the GD and have basically set up camp there. No change. Busted. Again.
Still obsessed with usernames?
Have you ever thought about addressing the topic of the discussion?
'More squirrels' is a typical diversion technique. One that you are obviously very familiar with. :rolleyes:
So that just leaves job losses for upcoming UK professionals.. good job, great plan, well done. (y)
The contract aspect crops up in a Rory - Alastair YouTube chat. Rory concerned but mentions that the OBR also feel that the general idea is the right thing to do. Give working people more stability. It's not an unusual thing for a country to do.

It's broadly aimed at this area
In a labour force of over 32.5 million, workers in the gig economy make up just 1.4% of total employment. This is in stark contrast to TUC research in 2021 which found that 14.7% of working people, estimated at 4.4 million people, were working for gig economy platforms at least once a week in England and Wales.
The gig term depends on what that means. Is a zero hour contract one for instance. In many ways it is.

Unite doesn't like what is essentially an aspect that allows redundancy - could be misused. This area is a bit of a problem for them at the moment but they do know it can be needed. Also in another area as with all unions they are capable of looking at profits and saying we want some of that. Employment contracts figure as well. Some companies can do what they like with them as no resistance mechanism. Many areas aren't unionised at all.Most used to be and in some respects companies preferred it against dealing with individuals. It lead to pay structures and aspects like grades in a particular area.

There is also another famous union - the BMA. if the gov tells them to do something and they don't like the idea they simply don't do it. There are as you may have noticed now instances where pay crops up. It may with GP's. Generally negotiations start with a higher level than what they expect to get. That generally applies with all.

Many areas once had overtime pay rates. Not even sure these exist any more in some areas. It saves companies always needing worker levels to meet peak periods. LOL an area I wonder about.
Except I don’t. I like people in work so they can pay taxes.
Nope. I see the benefits the U.K. has from having flexible employment rights. Something I have championed when hiring global jobs in the U.K.

It is a good counter to the downsides of not having freedom of movement.

Sadly that will probably end now.
It is a good counter to the downsides of not having freedom of movement

Freedom of movement applies to the EU - whose regs, you claim, are more draconian than ours - so how does [not having the freedom to go somewhere more restrictive] support your argument?
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