Conscription to the Armed Services

We seem to be generally agreed that (a) the British armed forces are ranked amongst the world's best and (b) this has a lot to do with them being 100% volunteers. Conscripts might look impressive marching up and down the parade ground but what happens when you put them in the firing line? Chances are they'll just want to run away and who can blame them.

I also suspect that a conscript army is a breeding ground for duff officers. I once heard this from a US marine: "Wouldn't it be great to take a line of knuckle heads and get them all going up and down at once?" That's not leading men; it's using them for play therapy! I hope they never make him an officer.

I've heard many claims over the years, usually from those who went through it, that a dose of national service would sort out whichever yob had just hit the headlines. I never believed it. Quite apart from the fact that our armed forces don't want a load of scum on their plate why would you want to teach somebody with violent tendencies all about guns?

What we need is something like military service but not quite. As FWL_Engineer put it:

Anyone who gets into trouble from the age of ten goes to a Training Centre, there they are still educated as they would in the outside world, but they are disciplined to Military Standards, where they learn respect for each other, authority and society as a whole.

Military style discipline? Certainly. Square bashing? If you like but I would prefer something more productive like subway wall scrubbing. Orange uniforms? Don't be ridiculous. They should be blue - Norman Stanley Fletcher blue. No guns, no grenades, definitely no unarmed combat, just discipline and hard graft.

So what do we call this non-military service? Civil service? Oops, that one's taken already. I know; how about community service!

PS: This from Wilhelm could go disastrously wrong:

leave it to market forces. not armed forces.

Are you suggesting that if the scum are left to themselves they will quietly become extinct? Somehow I doubt it. While I'm generally in favour of a free market it does have one major drawback. It gives an unfair advantage to cheats and liars - and thus also to criminals. Far from dying out they are more likely to end up running the country!
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FWL_Engineer said:
The reason for being respected is that those who are there want to be there, volunteers. Start bringing in the dross who don't want to do it is a drain on time , manpower and resources for those who want to do the job. I take it Redrech and FWL Engineer have never served?? ;)

Jasy, read my piece again, I said centre RUN by the Military, and only those who wanted to remain in the Military. I did not say they would be pressganged to serve IN the Military. Your reading of my post is the same as saying people arrested by the Police are Now Police Officers, or those in Prison are Prison Officers...Giveing someone military discipline is not the same as being in the Military..

Oh to answer your question, 5 years as a Para-Engineer, Paternal Grandfather and Great Uncle both retired from Military Service as Generals and Two cousins fought in the Falklands I have some idea of military life..Well I think I do.. :)

And this centre will achieve what. These people have no respect, this country is so obsessed with human rights that military training or ideals would not work with these people. Ok, it might help a few but what can we do to them?? Why should our military be burdened with trying to sort out dross when the parents and schools should be doing it!- Oh by the way ex infantry 14 years mate :LOL:
Oh My God, a Blooming Craap Hat!! :LOL:

Duck matey..the you don't wanna be cannon fodder do you :LOL: :LOL:

Seriosuly, Jasy, this would be a good role for those who have served their country with honour for many years, but find their service is at an end for one reason or another, this would allow them to continue to serve in a constructive way. I think that many may benefit from this level of discipline, afterall it is a total lack of Discipline in their lives that leads many to cross the line of acceptable behaviour in the first place.

Perhaps catching them early, before they feel they can do what they like will be the scare they need. Obviously, as with any system, it will never be 100% successful, but we have to do something to stop these younmg people from ruining their lives and those of others.
Discipline and respect and right from wrong start long before 14,15 or 16 years of age. This is the problem and the solution. Teachers once again being in a position of authority instead of their hands being tied. Parents allowed to discipline their children instead of being told no you cannot. Childre having a choice instead of being told what to do. Society and the labour government is to blame and we cannot expect our armed forces to intervene when they have enough on their plates dealing with all the messes this government has gotten them into ;)
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Once again Jasy we agree, discpline must start at childhood, and parents certainly need to be held accountable for the anti-social behaviour of their children..within reasonable limits of course.

The problem is that so many so called adults may be a mother or a father, but they lack the necessary skills to be parents, many lack even the most basic social skills which means their offspring are handicapped from the start.

As a society we need to address these issues, but we also need to address the children that are currently anti-social.
The only way forward is to stop being nannied and return to the days where there was no tolerance of intolerance
jasy said:
The only way forward is to stop being nannied and return to the days where there was no tolerance of intolerance

Yep, being Liberal and understanding is all well and good, so long as it does not make excuses for bad behaviour.
rederech wrote:
Our armed forces are respected around the world for their tolerance,
.........i am sure that there are people in Northern Ireland that might not agree with this....

Why should the Army/armed forces have to discipline educate the youth of the UK. I agree that they could probalby do an excellent job, and would result in a reduction of the street crime that you get now (then again, we might just end up with very well trained yobs, skilled in the art of fighting, hand-to-hand etc).
Surely it is the role of parents/society to carry this out....can you imagine the affect on Army morale if they were handed the role of diciplining thousands of the gobsh*tes that seem to infest our city centres?
there are always people that dont agree with the army when they are there to do a job in conflict, but they were still respected for what they could do, even if they werent liked
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