Conservative vote winner?

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I can see a lot of positives, including the opportunities for youngsters to advance themselves.

The UK haters won't be happy, expect some knicker wetting.
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The UK haters won't be happy
Why would the UK haters not be happy that they may have to fight some 17 to 18 year old kids who have no interest in being in the armed forces. Surely they would be happy with that.
Never going to happen. Well not with marching and guns anyway. Filly- show the list of positives.

Like me, you came along after conscription. I thought of joining up but never did, you did and I get the impression you served in the RAF, had a good and disdinguished career and went on to serve well in education rising to Headmaster, did your service help in that direction? I've always seen the armed forces as a stepping stone, a training ground, a path for kids to come out of poor areas and advance themselves (or get killed tbf).
Attitudes change but I'm surprised you see it as a negative.

Conservatives know their target audience: Old gits

It’s just another phoney culture war
Why would the UK haters not be happy that they may have to fight some 17 to 18 year old kids who have no interest in being in the armed forces. Surely they would be happy with that.
My point is that the UK haters won't want to fight any foreign terrorist source or any enemy. If you read the news, they're out in force in London every Saturday supporting what every right minded citizen would consider the enemy.
Like me, you came along after conscription. I thought of joining up but never did, you did and I get the impression you served in the RAF, had a good and disdinguished career and went on to serve well in education rising to Headmaster, did your service help in that direction? I've always seen the armed forces as a stepping stone, a training ground, a path for kids to come out of poor areas and advance themselves (or get killed tbf).
Attitudes change but I'm surprised you see it as a negative.
How many kids who WANT to be in the forces fail the standards required and are rejected at selection.

Lowering the standards so those that DONT WANT to join can isn't a good move.

It's a cheap con. Increasing the numbers, not decreasing them would have meant more
How many kids who WANT to be in the forces fail the standards required and are rejected at selection.

Lowering the standards so those that DONT WANT to join can isn't a good move.

It's a cheap con. Increasing the numbers, not decreasing them would have meant more

It’s a far better idea than giving 16 & 17 year olds the vote
There is some evidence that 16- and 17-year-olds have higher rates of turnout as first time voters, when given the chance to vote, than 18- and 19-year-olds and therefore lower voting age will over time, due to generational replacement, lead to higher aggregate rates of turnout.

Conservatives have spent years trying to manipulate voting / constituency boundary changes, voter Id etc to give them an advantage so good on Labour for looking at something that benefits them
My youngest wants to join up, so I have to say I’m not a fan of national service.
People have been saying this for years. Bring it on.

It simply would not work. Our youth today simply won't have it
Then how do you police it?

Young Muslim youth who have no affiliation or loyalty to the flag or country.

Young Palestinian supporters would be at cross purposes as in any event of war, we would be on the side of Israel.

Eastern European parents would up sticks and go home. Rather than have their children join up.

Young British kids would think **** that I'm not defending this country to protect the lot that won't serve.

The battle for number 10 should be the government who will deal with law and order, respect for others and generaly uniting the nation. And living standards.
Its an insult to the armed forces who have been starved of investment, witness the one plane made available for the d day “mass parachute landing”, or how troops had to buy their own kit in the Irack war. Its just a throwaway election promise to get the votes of the older voters. That said russsia is a real threat in europe and some form of training would be sensible even if not for everyone.

Deadin the water if labor bring in votes for 16 year olds though.
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