conservatives are

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well not that I ever voted for her but she would be the type we need in this brexit caper ;)

many did not default on there homes & did very well out of it tbh

Bet old Noseall looked into taking advantage of the council house sell off

Principles yeah right ,they would go down the toilet ;);):LOL:
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Too busy getting pizzed back then.

well if u had not been to busy getting pizzed u may have made your self a few squid .Although non doubt your principles would have kicked in :LOL::LOL:

(not ;)) bet old him again got his snout in the trough :idea::?:
Then of course there were all the die hard working class , socialist labour voters who took advantage of the privatisation sell off :LOL:

what did labour and the unions advise B Steel workers not to do . Do not buy shares . Right over 90% did :LOL:

socialists :) got nothing but will share it with every one else ;) which basically means I want what u got so u share with me I got f all so I cannot share.

Incidenatally I have never voted conservative (ever)

last person I voted for was Kinnock ;) & I shall not be voting this time around either .un less some one actually pays me ??
bit off topic but if its him again & ref the deep heat cream advice .do not get any in yer j**k strap :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Where do you think they will get the mythical £8bn from, then?
Probably the same place Labour 's going to get their "mythical" billions from. (but in the case of Labour, that'll probably be by borrowing off the banks of Merkel and co, and telling us "Britain is safe in our hands" )
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