Labour aren't against the self emplyed at all, but they have an idealogcial hatred and antipathy against the supposed rich, and feel that their wealth should be redistibuted to those on a lower income. And in truth, that's the only way they can get people to vote for them. Unfortunately, continual attacks on the supposed rich, ros small companies or anyone that has any money they can get their hands on, is considered fair game, but all that does is stifle growth, and encourage those on low incomes to stay there. 30 years ago, people would have done 3 jobs if necessary to earn ebnough; now, there are an ever increasing number of people suffering disabilities that oddly enough, stop them from working. The recent welfare cuts managed to get 80,000 people off benefits, but still leaves 3.1m on them, and as I know loads of people that are proffesional malingerers, I can talk with some authority. In America, it's actually disabled people that asses others for disability staus, and they'll happily deny it saying If I can work, then so can you.
The Labour party shouldn't really exist nowadays, as there are no children being sent up chimmnys nor mill owners keeping their workers in pennury.