conservatives are

I think if they can guarantee that at least 50% houses will be affordable houses, or maybe selling to housing associations, may well be a good idea.
Yep. That sounds like a Conservative strategy.

What's an affordable house?
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I would say middle class (with two incomes) can afford to buy, not the lowest income though
you claim every single thing labour has done has been a disaster

Okay, you name a few things that they've done sucessfully.

But you're missing the point that I'm trying to make; we're being run by people that are unqualified for their jobs. It's like taking on an advertising executive to the the MD's job. He'll come up with great ideas to look good, but nothing practical that will expand the company. Our borrowing is now over £1.8tr, and that would make most companies suspect; we've already been downgraded a couple of times, and there's little on the horizon that makes me think we'll ever pay it off, yet the Tories are determined to push through with HS2, so I am equally dismissive of the Tories policies, and don't ever get me started on the Lib Dems and the greens; they're the real loons.
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So - just progressively smaller, then.
Hi, not really sure what you mean. For me, middle classes should be able to afford their own place, for the lower income, it is better to rent.

UK indeed has a problem of shrinking middle classes. The rich always can find very smart accountants to move their money and it will be very difficult to get them. The tax burden on middle classes are quite high already (for me anyone earning below 80k could be a middle class as it depends on where you live).

It is so great to say we will tax the cooperate. But the reality is that cooperate can move away. The company I am working for, they just made 50% IT developers redundant, and moved the jobs to India. The company my wife works for, they didn't move jobs to India, instead they went to automation and just doesn't need that amount of people any more. I am really concerned on what will happen if we increase the cooperate tax.
According to John Mcdonnel, anyone earning over £70K was considered rich enough to pay a higher rate of tax, then they realised that was what they earned, so it was raised to £80k.

But as the top 5% pay about 25% of the tax burden, most of them don't bother to hide much of it, and Thatcher showed that if you drop the rate of tax at the top, then more comes in, so raising it tend to make the hide it. The problem with corporation tax, is that it hit small medium and large companies alike, and the more you tax a company, and then force them to pay a living wage, plus paternity leave, and all everything else that they get thrown at them, then it become a disincentive to employ anyone, and the tax raised goes down.
Surely you heard Theresa say that she would implement the Naylor report.
I did ask for a direct link to the Conservative Manifesto Johnnyboy, but as per usual, you just don't deliver the goods. (much like that Labour Party you're so in love with)
Hi, not really sure what you mean. For me, middle classes should be able to afford their own place,
Ideally, I suppose they should but (lack of) supply and (excess of) demand and mortgage restrictions are pricing them out.

Some versions of "affordable housing" involve subsidy and future restrictions on the selling price.
You just mean cheaper houses which, with prices increasing and wages not, will mean progressively smaller properties.

for the lower income, it is better to rent.
That's not really the case.
Mortgage payments are (especially now, a lot) less than rental payments but they are not given mortgages.

UK indeed has a problem of shrinking middle classes.
Not sure but they do bear the brunt.

The rich always can find very smart accountants to move their money and it will be very difficult to get them.
Indeed. I have said many times that the rules are made to enable that.
The rules could be changed but, alas, it is they who make the rules.

It is so great to say we will tax the cooperate. But the reality is that cooperate can move away. The company I am working for, they just made 50% IT developers redundant, and moved the jobs to India. The company my wife works for, they didn't move jobs to India, instead they went to automation and just doesn't need that amount of people any more. I am really concerned on what will happen if we increase the cooperate tax.
Do you mean corporate? Not being awkward, genuinely unsure as you wrote it three times.

That is the modern way.
imho labour have always been against the self employed.

Then you had Blair & Brown raiding pension funds & promoting this public private partnership loan caper
Blair and Brown weren't really Labour but that's what they thought the people wanted.

Anyone who is genuinely Labour gets for ever pilloried and called unelectable, which the people believe.
Labour aren't against the self emplyed at all, but they have an idealogcial hatred and antipathy against the supposed rich, and feel that their wealth should be redistibuted to those on a lower income. And in truth, that's the only way they can get people to vote for them. Unfortunately, continual attacks on the supposed rich, ros small companies or anyone that has any money they can get their hands on, is considered fair game, but all that does is stifle growth, and encourage those on low incomes to stay there. 30 years ago, people would have done 3 jobs if necessary to earn ebnough; now, there are an ever increasing number of people suffering disabilities that oddly enough, stop them from working. The recent welfare cuts managed to get 80,000 people off benefits, but still leaves 3.1m on them, and as I know loads of people that are proffesional malingerers, I can talk with some authority. In America, it's actually disabled people that asses others for disability staus, and they'll happily deny it saying If I can work, then so can you.

The Labour party shouldn't really exist nowadays, as there are no children being sent up chimmnys nor mill owners keeping their workers in pennury. There should be a central group that works for the countries growth, and looks at society as a whole on a dispasionate basis, but I doubt I'll ever see that in my lifetime.
Okay, you name a few things that they've done sucessfully.

But you're missing the point that I'm trying to make; we're being run by people that are unqualified for their jobs. It's like taking on an advertising executive to the the MD's job. He'll come up with great ideas to look good, but nothing practical that will expand the company. Our borrowing is now over £1.8tr, and that would make most companies suspect; we've already been downgraded a couple of times, and there's little on the horizon that makes me think we'll ever pay it off, yet the Tories are determined to push through with HS2, so I am equally dismissive of the Tories policies, and don't ever get me started on the Lib Dems and the greens; they're the real loons.
It was you who made the claim, and now you are stalling by counter claiming, a classic get out when you know you are on the ropes, so lets have your list starting in 1924 to the present.
The Labour party shouldn't really exist nowadays, as there are no children being sent up chimmnys nor mill owners keeping their workers in pennury. There should be a central group that works for the countries growth, and looks at society as a whole on a dispasionate basis, but I doubt I'll ever see that in my lifetime.
A bit like the U.S. then.

Hang on....does that mean we need to look towards an opinionated **** with bad hair to run the country?

It was you who made the claim, and now you are stalling by counter claiming

I should point out that having Aspergers, I look at things more dispansionately than you, but I get the feeling that you just want an argument rather than a discussion CB. Asking me to go back to 1924 is fairly pointless, as society has changed dramaticaly since then.
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