conservatives are

it will be a unified position
The EU unified ???? :eek::eek::eek:
I honestly can't see them being "unified" on anything. They're certainly not "unified" on immigration quotas... SO just how many internal negotiations between EU members do you think it will take to reach this "unified" position?
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Essentially, the EU will negotiate on behalf of the 27 other countries, then they will each have to ratify what's been agreed to, but as Spain has already been given a veto over Gibralter, that sort of proves that it's not going to be a done deal by the "EU" alone.

If Corbyn were to do the negotiating, then I think the EU would walk over him far easier that they did with Cameron, especially in light of the leaked document that shows Labour intend to continue letting in all and sundry come what may.
If Corbyn deals with the negotiations he will have the SNP , plyed cumri , greens, him again & all the other fruit cakes & fringe parties involved.It will end up as a complete disaster.
And any one who thinks that the EU are or will be united in any negotiation well :) how naive ( bless em )

Behind closed doors they could not agree on the time of day ;) as was shown in there trade talks with the USA

7 years & nothing :LOL:
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If Corbyn deals with the negotiations he will have the SNP , plyed cumri , greens, him again & all the other fruit cakes & fringe parties involved.It will end up as a complete disaster.
And if it's Theresa, she will have all that, and have to fight the tories as well. She was such a disaster on the TV non-debate that she has locked herself in her room and won't come out.
And if it's Theresa, she will have all that, and have to fight the tories as well. She was such a disaster on the TV non-debate that she has locked herself in her room and won't come out.
So, you want Corbyn to sell the UK down the drain then?(because that's what he'll do) Or perhaps you'd be happy with the Lib Dems or the Greens? You don't want anyone negotiating on the UK's behalf , because you don't want to leave your EU masters.
that's not on the agenda.

We are now voting on which parties should have seats in parliament, and who should have the job of trying to get the least worst terms.

the referendum didn't have a hard brexit/soft brexit option. Theresa can't even reach a consensus inside her divided party. She called the election hoping to get such a massive majority that she could crush all opposition, especially inside her own party.

Unfortunately, although having had a year since the referendum, the current government has not decided what its priorites and objectives are, and has not yet started negotiation. Maybe they are hoping the two years notice will expire before anything is decided.

Strong and stable, eh?
Now that was an impressive piece, but as always, its lies, damned lies, and statistics, simply because child poverty is defined as being less than 60% of the average income, and not an actual number. So the number will increase not because more households fall into poverty, but because the saleries at the top will increase, and that will statistically increase the poverty figures.

But they were right in that all politicans are liars, no matter which party. Anyone noticed how every party is offering things left right an centre to get our vote; not far off of actually giving us cash in our pockets, but I was sure that they weren't allowed to do that.
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