conservatives are

The far right has never had a better opportunity to thrive considering the feeling throughout the world at large. Yet the French vote overwhelmingly for Macron. I think you overestimate the far right.

thats the trouble with u Noseall the same issue effects the EU .

Bury yer ead in the sand & it will go away :LOL: the EUA syndrone

What happened to the french socialist party vote ??? How many votes did Le-pen get ?

who got to the presidential run off / 2nd round & came 2nd ?

Any thing to learn from this Hmmm ????????

same in Holland any thing to learn Hmmmm ?????

Austria any thing to learn Hmmmmm ???

No probably not ?same as the EU (may be ) :LOL::LOL:
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As in all countries, each party has a core of voters, and others are pulled in because they are unhappy with what the ruling party is doing. Unreasonable as it may be, the increase in the "far right" vote, is being caused by attacks in France that are attibuted to the open door immigration policy. Marine Le Penn is slowly making her party more acceptable to the ordinary vote, and has even agreed to stand down to help that conversion. There will be other attacks in France, and that will push more people towards the right, but it'll be the next set of elections on the 11th and 18th of June that will determine the true make up of French politics, as Macron is only the President, not the legislature. Like America, Macron could end up with a govenment that is hamstrung by the other parties.
He's piqued my interest...Not the retired plumber, Corbyn.

Me too. Can't believe it but I'm rapidly seeing him as no worse than May. As far as my estimation goes shes gone down, hes gone up.
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Why Securspark, if Corbyn gets in, he will destroy the country with his good intentions. Yes, he's passionate about what he beleives in, and he's more genuine that most, but that doesn't make him fit for the job. He'll allow more unskilled migrants in, that'll put more pressure on houses prices and rents, and it'll keep wages down. He'll then introduce the living wage of £10, and that'll put up the NHS wages bill (cleaners and porter etc on minimum wages) and then that'll take money out of the NHS, and extend operation waiting times.

Everything Labour does, looks good, but has disasterous consequences. They are happy to spend and tax, but every time they raise taxes, they get less revenue in, so they borrow to fund all their nice ideas, and we are already paying back £40bn a year in interest, and when interest rates double to 0.5%, then we'll be paying £80bn in interest, and they'll then have to borrow more to pay the interest.

They are offering to wipe off the students debts, and it's just a sop to get more youngsters to vote for them, but if they stopped pushing everyone to go to university, then the brightest who should be going (for the good of the country as well as themselves) then there wouldn't be the need for university fees.

I'm not overly impressed with TM any longer, but I feel she'll be the lesser of the two evils, because none of them are quilified for the jobs that needs doing. But if people only look at the goodies being offered to them to get their vore, and can't see the long term consequences of who they elect, then we get the government we deserve.
Everything Labour does, looks good, but has disasterous consequences.

I find this a bit hard to take seriously, do you think you are generalising a tad too much due to lack of credible evidence
I find this a bit hard to take seriously, do you think you are generalising a tad too much due to lack of credible evidence

It's call empirical evidence, and observations. The evidence is all there, or I wouldn't have written it's just a case of pulling it all together. Cameron did the help to buy scheme, and that pushed house prices up, and the triple lock on pensions that's now considered sacrosanct, so apologies for appearing one sided, but that's why I said that none of them are fit to run the country, and that TM was the lesser of the two evils.
Are you happy with Theresa's plan to sell off £6bn worth of hospitals and other NHS assets?

I found it hard to grasp why she proposes to pay £10bn in sales preparation costs first. Perhaps that will become clear later.
It's call empirical evidence, and observations. The evidence is all there, or I wouldn't have written it's just a case of pulling it all together. Cameron did the help to buy scheme, and that pushed house prices up, and the triple lock on pensions that's now considered sacrosanct, so apologies for appearing one sided, but that's why I said that none of them are fit to run the country, and that TM was the lesser of the two evils.
Since 1924 to the end of the last Labour government, you claim every single thing labour has done has been a disaster, all down to your "observations", how very odd!
Are you happy with Theresa's plan to sell off £6bn worth of hospitals and other NHS assets?

I found it hard to grasp why she proposes to pay £10bn in sales preparation costs first. Perhaps that will become clear later.
Please link to the part of the Conservative Manifesto that states "We're gonna sell off the NHS " (he can't)
Surely you heard Theresa say that she would implement the Naylor report. Weren't you standing on your chair cheering?

Or are you trying to tell me you agree but don't know what it is? Didn't you wonder what "the money will come from a variety of sources" meant? Or could you just not be arsed to find out?

Just read your link, The basic argument is the NHS has “a lot of money tied up in land and buildings”.

I think if they can guarantee that at least 50% houses will be affordable houses, or maybe selling to housing associations, may well be a good idea.
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