Which 'strain' of the 'virus' though?
In the future those who decided to have the 'jab(s)' may catch another 'version', so the saga may well continue...
It is not an impossibility that those who decide not to be 'jabbed' (with a 'vaccine' not of their choice ) may well have already caught the 'virus', and may well then have a better immune system reaction to future 'viruses'...
Of course we won't know that because there were no extensive tests on these 'vaccines' on the different 'strains' already known. They are now starting 'tests' on the use of multiple 'vaccines' to see what effect it has.
The human race is now undergoing the largest medical experiment in history!
So after thinking again, maybe borisconi with his alleged 'bodies' remark might have been right...
Cut out the 'dead wood' without harming the overall system? That's how nature usually works!
Does having 'flu one year make you less susceptible to getting 'flu the next year? No.
Is the 'flu jab tweaked each year? Yes it's often tweaked.
Do you get a 'flu jab? Or question it so much?