Covid Inquiry

22 Jul 2023
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United Kingdom
Michael Gove trying to explain BJ's bumbling style and lack of understanding as "great leaders tend to voice all arguments in order to weigh them up"
What planet is he on? :rolleyes:
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Govey is good at intellectually rationalising stupid people and their stupid ideas. He is however a competent minister in the sense of his understanding of the practical and detailed issues, and developing policy. He has shown he will listen as when he took over form failing grailing at justice. But being good at re arranging deck chairs isn't going to help the government.

Are we still going on about Covid! Move along, nothing to see…..
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All a set up. Just look at the amount of wealth movement in the lockdown.

Almost like it was all planned out well in advance. Mean while Nigel is doing well in the jungle.
All a set up. Just look at the amount of wealth movement in the lockdown.

Almost like it was all planned out well in advance

Just because there was opportunistic excess profit being made does not indicate covid was “planned in advance”

If you want to believe such nonsense that’s your choice.
Just because there was opportunistic excess profit being made does not indicate covid was “planned in advance”

If you want to believe such nonsense that’s your choice.
What you don't seem to understand is that while this particular 'virus' was not 'planned in advance', the reactions to it were...

If you believe that the emergency 'VIP lane' for contracts came out of the blue then you certainly have more than a few screws loose!

Have you forgotten the brexit ferry contracts for a company with no ferries already?
It's grimly hilarious listening to Hancock spouting nonsense about the govt. reaction to Covid while attempting to cover his own ass - he can't multitask, that's for sure. "We should've locked down 3 weeks earlier", sez he. Yeah, like govt. were telling them to do.
All of 'em so far are just trying to put as much distance between them and Boris as possible.
Looking forward to the testimony of de Piffle next week.
They'll have to batten down the hatches. It's gonna blowhard!
What you don't seem to understand is that while this particular 'virus' was not 'planned in advance', the reactions to it were...

If you believe that the emergency 'VIP lane' for contracts came out of the blue then you certainly have more than a few screws loose!

Have you forgotten the brexit ferry contracts for a company with no ferries already?

so You admit conspiracy theories about covid are completely false
The inquiry will be wise in hindsight, all sorts of sensible recommendations will be made, the ones requiring lots of policies will be implemented, the ones that cost money less so, if at all. Legislation will be introduced creating all kinds of duties. There will be new government, or at least leadership, by then. The public sector will be be the main fall guys. A bit like the fire service with grenfull.

so You admit conspiracy theories about covid are completely false
Nothing like the post you replied to. It’s no wonder you aren’t taken seriously when you try to impose your opinion on others with no facts or reasoned argument.

As for the covid contracts. You’d have to be a reallt quite daft to think it wasn’t all pre planned. Oh wait……
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