Covid Inquiry

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They should've enforced the lockdown in the first weekend of March but Boris dithered because of conflicting advice telling him to protect the economy, protect the elderly/let them die - acceptable losses, etc...Despite all the mistakes he'd still be in a job but for a slice of cake and a glass or two of wine. Muppet.
So you think they should have spaffed more money on furlough money useless test and trace schemes and creating more of a knock on effect we are witnessing today.
No thought given how Sweden went about it, no thought of protecting the vulnerable and keeping the wheels of industry turning so we are not suffering the tax take needed to pay for it all.
So you think they should have spaffed more money on furlough money useless test and trace schemes and creating more of a knock on effect we are witnessing today.
No thought given how Sweden went about it, no thought of protecting the vulnerable and keeping the wheels of industry turning so we are not suffering the tax take needed to pay for it all.
I'd say they shouldn't have been as unprepared as they were in those circumstances. The Tories thought they didn't need all that protective gear lying around for a pandemic that would (probably) never occur during their time in government. They were wrong. Maybe they should've heeded the warnings given by Bill Gates?
. The Tories thought they didn't need all that protective gear lying around for a pandemic that would (probably) never occur during their time in government.
Yeah, but once they knew they could get rich from dodgy PPE supply, they soon jumped on it. There was no money in ventilators for Tory chums, so they were not prioritised.

Tory scum.
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I'd say they shouldn't have been as unprepared as they were in those circumstances. The Tories thought they didn't need all that protective gear lying around for a pandemic that would (probably) never occur during their time in government. They were wrong. Maybe they should've heeded the warnings given by Bill Gates?
Not really answered my question.
no thought of protecting the vulnerable
Impossible to do

you are just quoting the Great Barrington Declaration

If you think it was possible, show us
a) how you identify the vulnerable
b) the cost of ”protecting” them
c) the data, the modelling that proves it
o thought of protecting the vulnerable and keeping the wheels of industry turning so we are not suffering the tax take needed to pay for it all.
Where’s your evidence not using lockdowns would’ve been any less damaging
Why not for once instead of dismissing everything out of hand due to your stubbornness to think things through, think things through and you might come up with the idea there's more than one way to skin a cat.
So you think they should have spaffed more money on furlough money
Locking down earlier would have meant lockdown ending sooner

lockdowns are only effective when transmission rates are low

useless test and trace schemes

Government failure

test and trace schemes can be effective - see South Korea, extensive test n trace, very successful
Not really answered my question.
I answered it by saying the government should not have allowed pandemic preparations to become diluted in the first place. Reducing the country's capability to fight off the Covid-19 pandemic in order to save money during the years of Austerity ensured more people perished and more money had to be spent than would otherwise have been necessary.
No need to skin any cats. Be prepared! dib-dib-dib...:D
Why not for once instead of dismissing everything out of hand due to your stubbornness to think things through, think things through and you might come up with the idea there's more than one way to skin a cat.
That’s the problem
I have thought it through
you haven’t.

here is a perfect example: you said “protecting the vulnerable and keeping the wheels of industry turning”

Well come on, show us how you’ve ”thought that through”
That’s the problem
I have thought it through
you haven’t.

here is a perfect example: you said “protecting the vulnerable and keeping the wheels of industry turning”

Well come on, show us how you’ve ”thought that through”
By getting gps working instead of shutting up shop. They could have identified the ones on their books most at risk and warned them of the risks to make their own decisions. You won't understand the concept of people taking personal responsibility.
It was identified that healthy people under sixty were very unlikely to die but they came under the umbrella of having to be locked up and paid with money that could have been concentrated on the susceptible.
Living in a village you may be unaware of the flagrant disregard for lockdown rules in our towns and cities much like our politicians.
Then we get to the figures of covid deaths, how many were actually covid deaths where covid was the actual cause of death.
It's not easy to convey a discussion on covid by a message board as there are so many directions you can go in, so rather than just keep shouting down a voice that keeps popping up that doesn't adhere to your line of thinking, it might prudent sometimes to appreciate none of us has all the answers on the topic.
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