Deal or no deal

Has Boris got your Blessing

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being a bot you will never have that opportunity. I feel sorry for you

Haters gotta hate eh Dangee

You keep proving your own saying.

So far all you've proved is that it's right wing brexers that have all the hate.
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How can you form an opinion on Brexit based on your life experience?

You've never been a trade negotiator.

By the way I ran a company and imported timber and hardware from Europe. So yes I do have experience of trade.

I also had many wealthy customers including a fair few that came from Europe. As well as English customers with extensive knowledge of trade.


None of it sank in though, did it?
How else would you explain ignoring decades of such experience and voting Leave, because of a slogan on a bus and the rantings of a few spivs?
What did you win?

Personal freedom.....

Lower prices......

Ability to work, live or retire in 27 countries......

What you win Bodd, go on don't keep us suspense, tell me

All this countries problems start with and end with pesky Europeans and the EU. The greatest trick the Tories pulled was convincing their voters they were never in charge.
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How is that hate. It’s sympathy.
Also, so by your view only a trade negotiator is allowed to have an opinion on Brexit.
Strange.... does that mean only councillors should choose new councillors?
You need help.
Did you play a lot of sport in your younger days Notch?
Did you play a lot of sport in your younger days Notch?
He did ; here's a picture of young Notch.


Fate of entire nation depends on Boris taking a woman seriously (

THE fate of the whole UK depends on Boris Johnson taking a woman to dinner, listening to what she says and taking it seriously.

The economic future of Britain hinges on the prime minister’s dinner with Ursula von der Leyen this evening, and few believe there is any reason to hope that he won’t f**k it up.

Johnson said: “Don’t mention the war. Don’t try to shag her. Don’t forget this isn’t the Bullingdon Club and she won’t laugh if you set fire to the curtains.

“Listen to her? That can’t be right. Surely the polite thing to do when a woman is talking is wait until she’s finished? Listening would be cruel.

“And not just a woman but a Kraut, surely an act of deliberate provocation. But they say that imitating her accent with the old stiff-arm salute would end all hope of a deal.

“I thought I’d just lie my way out of it, but apparently this little lady’s got a head for figures. Crikey. Boris has got himself in a real scrape this time. Well, here goes!”

The dinner is expected to conclude without a deal after Johnson drinks two bottles of Bordeaux, puts his hands in his trouser pockets and offers to show Dr von der Leyen the white-eared elephant.
Even the agitators must think it’s a funny clip, surely.......
Unless Boris gives way, it'll be a No Deal.

If EU gives way, the next Trade Negotiations with A N Other will start off with, "We want a UK style deal", just like UK have wanted a Norwegian/Canadian/Australian type deal. (Yes I know an Australian deal is No Deal)
It'll open up a whole new chapter in EU Trade Agreements.
Unless Boris gives way, it'll be a No Deal.

If EU gives way, the next Trade Negotiations with A N Other will start off with, "We want a UK style deal", just like UK have wanted a Norwegian/Canadian/Australian type deal. (Yes I know an Australian deal is No Deal)
It'll open up a whole new chapter in EU Trade Agreements.

Fair comment. What happened? Personality transplant? Only joking (y)
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