Deal or no deal

Has Boris got your Blessing

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But it's not a new chapter, numerous countries already have such a deal with the EU.
Numerous countries have a much more limited version of a deal with the EU.

For instance, the CETA (Canada deal)
upload_2020-12-9_18-34-49.png is a new trade,of the agreement now applies.

The Deal that Boris wants (freedom to deviate from EU standards, for starters) would be an especially favorable deal, and would open up a flood of: "We want a UK style Deal".
Numerous countries have a much more limited version of a deal with the EU.

For instance, the CETA (Canada deal)
View attachment 214164 is a new trade,of the agreement now applies.

The Deal that Boris wants (freedom to deviate from EU standards, for starters) would be an especially favorable deal, and would open up a flood of: "We want a UK style Deal".

That would be a shame lol. EU's had it's day mate.
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Numerous countries have a much more limited version of a deal with the EU.

For instance, the CETA (Canada deal)
View attachment 214164 is a new trade,of the agreement now applies.

The Deal that Boris wants (freedom to deviate from EU standards, for starters) would be an especially favorable deal, and would open up a flood of: "We want a UK style Deal".

I take your point but reading the agreement, there's a lot of talk about following 'international standards' on workers rights, and food standards, there's little in the agreement that I can see that suggests Canada would be bound by EU law or rules on these matters, many of the terms seem more 'aspirational', the arbitration system is certainly not the European court and there doesn't appear to be a power grab for territorial waters.
Yes, it goes further than some FTA's, but...only just, the terms certainly seem a lot less inhibitive than those the eu are trying to foist on us.
I fell about laughing while hearing the news tonight. Especially one - level playing fields. If we don't have them and it gains advantage the EU will just put a tariff on our goods as they do with some already.

I don't know. A three course meal rounded off by Boris bending Ursula across the table?, it might just work

She is a civil servant who collects the views of their heads of state so it wont much matter how much she bends over or eats,
This explains the USA's view on messing up the EU anyway it can think of. It's been growing and growing so Trump has been pleading for them to import gas from them when they get it from a close source via pipes. We get it via ships now.

But the EU get their gas from Mother Russia. They've got their own pipeline.

Yes - Trump reckoned it threatened their security via a don't you think it does not knowing that Europe has been buying stuff of Russia for years. He doesn't like that either.
Yes - Trump reckoned it threatened their security via a don't you think it does not knowing that Europe has been buying stuff of Russia for years. He doesn't like that either.

If a country or group of countries is totally reliant on one country for their gas, any threats of sanctions for naughtiness become rather hollow though don't they.
If a country or group of countries is totally reliant on one country for their gas, any threats of sanctions for naughtiness become rather hollow though don't they.
Of course a country that gets more of it's gas from a group of other nearby countries than it produces itself is finding out that it doesn't have as much clout as its traitors led some people to believe it would have...

The UK-Belgium interconnector (IUK) which runs between Bacton in Norfolk and Zeebrugge in Belgium
The UK-Netherlands pipeline (BBL) which runs from Balgzand to Bacton in Norfolk
The Vesterled pipeline link which connects St Fergus in Scotland to a number of Norweigan gasfields
The Langeled pipeline which runs from Nyhamna in Norway to Easington in Yorkshire
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