Death penalty

Should we bring back the death penalty

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Why stop at execution?
Bring back Human sacrifice, say I.
Use the pyramid stage at Glastonbury and start with the far-right thugs rampaging across the country.:mrgreen:

this is the UK (Racist abuse removed)

As for the thugs just employ snipers on the roof tops ?
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Dare say the opposite would also be correct

The recent deal with them 9 / 11 suspects has been over turned due to pressure from victims families ref the death penalty
That guy who did 17 years woulda been stuffed wouldn't he? Or Timothy Evans? Never mind though, he had a pardon, so all good.
That guy who did 17 years woulda been stuffed wouldn't he? Or Timothy Evans? Never mind though, he had a pardon, so all good.

Smoking gun evidence than the death penalty

Others in prison until smoking gun evidence is produced

So if you walk across a road and stab an MP ( joe cox)

Walk into an MPs office and butcher him ( David amiss)

Behead a soldier on the street ( Lee rigby)

Bludgeon yer pregnant girl friend to death with a hammer do the same to her 12 year old daughter
Do the same to her daughters 12 year old freind on a sleep
Over and than rape her before she is dead ( in wales) call plod on yer self after

Than you will
Be executed no ifs or buts

Other examples can be used

8 year old boy playing football in liver pool shot dead

Mother and 2 daughters killed with a cross bow ??

Walk into a dance class and butcher children

Various cases of babies (?) tortured to death by sustained violence

Bump em off and good riddance to bad rubbish
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