A few years ago I was for the death penalty but now against it whatsoever. It's was BAS on here thats changed my mind, I see if I can find the old topic regarding thisWith no exception?I'm against death penatly
I know money shouldn't be the issues but according to the info, the death penalty is much more expensive than life in prison
Here's one of the link > http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/2955269.../t/execute-or-not-question-cost/#.Tvn7QzXUOSoI know money shouldn't be the issues but according to the info, the death penalty is much more expensive than life in prison
I fail to see how £40 worth of drugs, or £20 worth of rope is more expensive than keeping someone at an average cost of £20000+ per year for 20 yrs (at present costs)
If you or the takers on your behalf for the death penalty then you or the takers are no difference to being a murderer. The death penalty is uncivilisedDeath penalty? If they want someone to offer to pull the handle for the long drop with a short rope, I'll do it for the cost of the fuel to get me wherever.
Better still, let members of the public bid for the opportunity of pulling the handle. I'm sure there would be plenty of takers.
Yes but doesn't mean you got to be uncivilised because of it.As for the death penalty being uncivilised,, surely someone who plans and commits murder in the first instance, has shown just exactly that. They are themselves uncivilised.
I wonder what those who hanker after the ultimate penalty would think if they or one of their own was subject to a miscarriage of justice?
Given we have a corrupt police/legal/reporting system there is no such thing as 100% guaranteed proof!
I think some work hard to get back in Joe.All crims are lazy .
Then go to jail However painful it is, I think it's important to re-educate from right & wrong and give then something to focus on for the correct behaviour if they ever release from prison, although it's hard to do but can only keep trying.But, masona, they have the freedom to do whatever they want in prison. Should they decide to study for an open university degree, then they can do that free of charge (we pick up the tab) But if we on the outside want to do the same, we have to pay for the privilege.
Tough one to answer and how far back, I can only say this as I'm here today, I think we are more civilised as with the society changes in technologically with better health and higher standard of living condition etc.Do you think we were less civilised 50 yrs ago than we are now?