Dianne Abbot

Here we go, I didn't have to even go back.

"At its worst"

Nothing more than a tooth ache
Lol. You are being a dick now boddd. Antisemitism is abhorrent. You implying its nothing more than toothache is revolting.
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Just another case of somebody trying to make a sensible point and it being misinterpreted?
I get that moron racists will attack anyone that is different to themselves. Orthodox Jews may be easier to spot than say a regular Westernised clothed white Jew. So targeting is based on visual perception. Same as morons that attack gay people. Where and when do they make the assumption? Black, brown Oriental people are attacked simply because of the way they look.

Its all hatred and all of it is abhorrent.
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Has anyone else ever stopped to ponder . . . Just exactly why, wherever they have settled in every period of history, every other race/religion/culture has always hated the Jews???
Well in the first millennium AD (and most of the second), when Christianity was the unassailable force in the known world, the jews were villified for killing Jesus. Donald Trump wasn't the originator of dog-whistle politics.
I think that PatEx is Diane Abbot, both are "single issue".
Obviously (I think!) Jews are not a race, but they are a cultural group. Irish travellers, Romany gypsies, ginger haired people are not a different race, but they all receive a great deal of hatred from people too.

Some people are just very hateful. I've know people to hate northerners and people from Liverpool especially with a vengeance, as well as people hating Scots, French and even Canadians (presumably because of the French connection). It's all illogical, they usually have never actually spent any quality time with any of the vast numbers of people they declare hatred for.
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