Dianne Abbot

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I don’t care what she said

Any one who is offended by her remarks should go and do one and jog on

Offended / outraged / traumatised

Jeez us wept :ROFLMAO:
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Does it actually matter
To me? Not especially.
In the context of the thread, it is relevant, yes.
I can see why say a black person would say the things they say. You could look to three people in a room - a black person, a Jew and a Christian but only be able to identify the black person by looks only. Put a vile racist in the same room and look who he'd attack. I get where DA was coming from, even if her remarks were clumsy and poorly thought out.
I don’t care what she said

Any one who is offended by her remarks should go and do one and jog on

Offended / outraged / traumatised

Jeez us wept :ROFLMAO:
Funny, but you love popping into threads you care nothing about. (y)
So if Judaism is a race. But you can't switch races. But you can switch between Catholicism and Judaism? How does that work?
Firstly Judaism isn't a race.

Because Judaism (religion) is only correlated with being classed as being a Jew(race) it is possible.

In practice converts are mostly due to marriage as Judaism isn't an evangelical religion. If I remember right some sects don't even allow converts. As such their children would then be Jewish.

Clearly you don't get this. Have a watch of this or the book by the same name.
Funny, but you love popping into threads you care nothing about. (y)

Yes noseall Transam the defender of free speech :cool:

Just been some fruit cake Labour politician on the news

Apparently there is no place in the labour party for the likes of dianne

Her remarks were “ offensive”

These are the politicians that may have to deal with international mass murderers and torturers

Kim il watsit
That Chinese bloke

Best the said the offended politicians and potential future government ministers find another job

Bunch of snow flakes
To me? Not especially.
In the context of the thread, it is relevant, yes.
I can see why say a black person would say the things they say. You could look to three people in a room - a black person, a Jew and a Christian but only be able to identify the black person by looks only. Put a vile racist in the same room and look who he'd attack. I get where DA was coming from, even if her remarks were clumsy and poorly thought out.
Comparing Jews and by default the holocaust with gingers is more than just clumsy. It reeks of a certain wing of the Labour party’s inability to separate antisemitism from their dislike of Israel.
Comparing Jews and by default the holocaust with gingers is more than just clumsy. It reeks of a certain wing of the Labour party’s inability to separate antisemitism from their dislike of Israel.
She's a twit. Why single Jews out for criticism, full stop. It's not like they've had it easy the last few thousand years.

The Middle East will always be a hot potato.
She's a twit. Why single Jews out for criticism, full stop. It's not like they've had it easy the last few thousand years.

The Middle East will always be a hot potato.

She didn't single them out. Her rant was against white people that included Gypsies Iris as well as Jews.
The left seem always to think of Jews as white. Where the far right think of Jews as Black.

It's all crap as they are both black and white and decent human beings as are most of the ones I've met.
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