Did I flood my own toilet?

A couple of days ago one of the kids told me that the downstairs loo was not flushing properly. He was right,

Today, I get home from work and smell a wet toilet carpet sort of smell upstairs. This is what I find in the upstairs WC:

. This toilet is hardly used, it's in the spare room.
Carpet in a toilet:unsure: kids sneaking in and using it , ****ing+Missing?;)
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I did think that, but then, it'd be everywhere!
Could be a case of downstairs blocked so kids use upstairs and blockage in stack below causes upstairs to brim over before draining away!
Well, I got my hand round the back and he felt the inlet pipe, and it was a little wet to touch. So, probably just a leak. But a pain to fix as need to rip out that cover. Have shoved towel in there for now!
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Need a new fill valve. Leak got worse today, but I managed to find the isolation valve ...

even better for using to take your frustration out on the offending float valve...op's done really well , saved money on call out charge and of course the value added t'axe..sorry couldn't resist it !!
And after some action with the ax (and a mallet, and a large screw driver) I had to fashion this tool to turn the valve, which was facing the wall!

I really should get some new tools!

This photo better shows what the ax achieved - the wooden casing was put together with nails. Barratt Homes obviously have a lot of faith in the longevity of their plumbing!

can't open the image jonbey ,and I just cant wait to see it !!!
Oh no! I can see them ... I will attach both again, maybe that'll fix it ....

tool.jpg loo broke.jpg

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