Dimplex Opti-Myst fires

There is plenty of mist being created but just not coming up through the slit in the top unit?? I have one bulb out - not sure if that makes a difference?? Is there a possibility that this is the transducer? Reading through here though it appears there is no mist if that goes, I seem to have mist but no flames? HELP!!
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Thanks for the response - where is the fan?? I don't think my model has a fan?
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I'm pretty sure the one my mate has only uses the fan for the fan heater part. The "smoke" is carried up by the convection currents created by the lamps - hence why the lamps can't be replaced with low energy alternatives.
Thanks very much for your comments. Just to update you, the model I had was the Dimplex Sacremento - I rang the showroom today where I bought it from in Oct 14 just to see how I get in touch with the manufacturer only to be told my fire had a 3 year warranty and therefore would be replaced with a brand new fire - what a result! Thanks again for all the advice.
Thanks for your comments Old Timer. In conjunction with the post I also sent an email to Dimplex's customer support "[email protected]". I got a reply from GDC Customer service acknowledging the problem with my fire and giving me a free phone number 0844 879 3588. I called the number and Richard has logged the problem and promised that an engineer will call to fit a new electric board within the next few working days. Some of my faith has been restored but I think there is still an underlying issue of design. Also, people like ourselves are handy and can investigate, understand and frequently repair these faults. How do people manage who don't have such practical skills?

One further question, does anyone know of the cheapest supplier of replacement bulbs for this fire?

Yes; Tool Station £1.15 for 4
Following on from the recent posts, I have a Cavendish CHS20 (grey sump and blue water container) which has been repaired 3 times by Dimplex (under warranty). Now it has broken down again and the warranty has run out.
The problem this time is that when the fire is switched on there is a "beep" and a flash of the LED lights under the logs then nothing for about 4/5 seconds. Then another beep and flash and then nothing. This continues until the fire is switched of at the mains.
The sump has been cleaned and electrical connections checked, all to no avail.
I would be grateful for any suggestions as to what the problem could be.
Hello Sam's Engineer. Your problem sounds very similar to a problem I experienced earlier in the year. What I thought was an electrical connection issue turned out to be sticky float around the reed switch container. I believe that limescale had managed to jam the float in the "water empty" position after I had finished cleaning it, which fooled the electronics into believing that the sump contained no water, thus preventing the system from "firing" up. It may also be that the reed switch itself could be faulty, in which case, the underside of the sump will need to be removed to gain access to the switch. Once the switch is removed it can be tested for correct operation with a magnet.
Hope this is of some help and that I haven't told you something you have already tried.
As for "ban-all-sheds" response, despite his philosophical ramblings, I think his user name says enough about the validity of his comments.


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The problem is that the product is simply a pile of *****.
"The Silver Shadow was originally intended to be called the Silver Mist until someone at Crewe, where the car was produced, politely pointed out that in German, the word “mist” means “manure” and other things, some quite extreme, like it."
Now it has broken down again and the warranty has run out.
The warranty means nothing.
Assuming you've had it less that 6 years, go back to the company you bought it from and demand your legal rights under UK consumer protection law. Under UK law (it used to be Sale of Goods and Services Act, but I think that may have been superceded by something else) any goods sold must be of mechantable quality, fit for purpose, and reasonably durable. The fact that it's already been repaired 3 times in the (I've guessing) 1 or 2 year warranty period, it cannot be considered to be reasonably durable.

Note that the retailer cannot palm this off on the manufacturers - it is the seller's responsibility, not the manufacturer's. So you may have to "stand your ground" a bit.

So go back to the seller and require them to repair it, replace it, or refund your money. They can choose which, and a refund can make an allowance for the use you've had from it.

The way to get manufacturers to improve faulty designs is to make it expensive for them to not do so. This means standing your ground and making it expensive for the retailers to stock it - which means they'll turn round to the manufacturers and refuse to stock it.
As for "ban-all-sheds" response, despite his philosophical ramblings, I think his user name says enough about the validity of his comments.
OK - fair enough - you are a lover of places like B&Q, Wickes, Homebase, and believe that piles of cheap tat in warehouses (barely) staffed by people who don't have a clue about what they are selling are a great thing.

But leaving that aside, given so many reports of how these fires break down so often, please put forward a valid explanation why the things are not a pile of *****.
Many thanks Privateer for your interest, comments and very useful photos. Unfortunately the suggestions you made did not work. The float moves smoothly with no evidence of any deposit build up. Everything was thoroughly cleaned and I even made a direct connection across the "switch" wires - all to no avail. Again thanks for your help.

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