david and julie
Felix - I also do some work for asexual health service for young people.
What I find very worrying is the amount of VERY young girls who come for emergency contraception (the morning after pill). They look like they should be at home playing with their dolls - On occasions they sometimes come with their Mums - I find it really upsetting when I see the Mums trying to be 'cool' but they are really heartbroken about their daughters being sexually active at such early ages - I've seen them sat behind their daughters wiping away their tears.
Many of the young people are having oral sex instead of intercourse as they think it's not really having sex (Bill Clinton again!!) and they can't get pregnant - if you try to respectfully discuss their behaviour with them they roll their eyes and sigh......
One 14 yrs old girl told me that what did I know about sex I was too old!!!
When I was talking to another about HIV/STI's she said 'well, it wouldn't matter if you got it when you're 40 or 50 as your nearly dead then anyway!!'
I really don't know what the answers are - as there are lots of sexual health services available for young people (I don't think there was anything available when I was a teenager in the 1970's, apart from family planning clinics).
The government is also plowing lots of money into this area of sexual health but it doesn't seem to be having any impact as the incidence of STI's amongst young people is increasing as well as teenage pregnancy and abortions.
What I find very worrying is the amount of VERY young girls who come for emergency contraception (the morning after pill). They look like they should be at home playing with their dolls - On occasions they sometimes come with their Mums - I find it really upsetting when I see the Mums trying to be 'cool' but they are really heartbroken about their daughters being sexually active at such early ages - I've seen them sat behind their daughters wiping away their tears.
Many of the young people are having oral sex instead of intercourse as they think it's not really having sex (Bill Clinton again!!) and they can't get pregnant - if you try to respectfully discuss their behaviour with them they roll their eyes and sigh......
One 14 yrs old girl told me that what did I know about sex I was too old!!!
When I was talking to another about HIV/STI's she said 'well, it wouldn't matter if you got it when you're 40 or 50 as your nearly dead then anyway!!'
I really don't know what the answers are - as there are lots of sexual health services available for young people (I don't think there was anything available when I was a teenager in the 1970's, apart from family planning clinics).
The government is also plowing lots of money into this area of sexual health but it doesn't seem to be having any impact as the incidence of STI's amongst young people is increasing as well as teenage pregnancy and abortions.