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you couldnt make stuff like this up oh you have just been assaulted lets play with the baby .
Know someone assaulted all caught on cctv strangled punched kicked broken ribs blood showing on them dozens of witnesses and the first cop on the scene said no harm done you can go to the perp luckily enough older cop came in and said only place he is going is the cells.
the usual suspects will be along shortly to deny Two Tier Policing / Justice

Have the violent thugs that attacked the police officers at Manchester airport been charged yet?

Have the idiotic RW protesters already been processed through the courts and been given long jail terms yet?

back to the Nandy attack
Apparently the police were there (see2:40) at the scene and didn't do anything.
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Have the violent thugs that attacked the police officers at Manchester airport been charged yet
How f****g fick are you?

The violent thugs who attacked the police at Manchester airport did not plead guilty + they have a lawyer representing them.

the usual suspects will be along shortly to deny Two Tier Policing / Justice
Anybody with an ounce of intelligence can see there is not an iota of equivalence between people mass rioting and an altercation in a restaurant.

Seriously Munroast you are posting utter garbage these days…..you are utterly obsessed with hating Labour because you are a tribal Tory and you can’t cope with a different govt.
the usual suspects will be along shortly to deny Two Tier Policing / Justice

Have the violent thugs that attacked the police officers at Manchester airport been charged yet?

Have the idiotic RW protesters already been processed through the courts and been given long jail terms yet?

back to the Nandy attack
Apparently the police were there (see2:40) at the scene and didn't do anything.

YouTube video is Dan Wootten, ex GBnews, a right wing lying shill

Seriously Munroast you are posting utter garbage these days

It’s good old Plod laziness not 2 tier policing

I believe they had just ordered food so we’re probably on their break.

Police avoid arrests if they can as it can take 4 or 5 hours out of their shift.

The idiot right wingers will start screaming two tier…..because they’ve only got two brain cells
Was it police policy. Or the inaction of 2 cops?

2 tier? Not at all.
Ideal? Not at all.
Overworked cops? Maybe. Who knows.
The victim was a working class ethnic minority female, of course she didn't get much support.
When she says she was hit in the face with a plate, it doesn't go on to explain how hard, and in what way, she was struck by the offending kitchenware...was it accidental?

Obviously, the coppers were waiting for dessert and complaining about the slow service.
When she says she was hit in the face with a plate, it doesn't go on to explain how hard, and in what way, she was struck by the offending kitchenware...was it accidental?
did you bother to watch the video ?
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