So i had Scottish (British) Gas out this morning to fit an Economy 7 meter.
I think there's a fundamental part of your problem
All he tried to do was tell me to get a smart meter
What do you expect from someone with a quota to meet.
For donkeys' years it has been observed that the proportion of households with TV licences is so high that it would make sense (removing all the costs associated with administering and policing 'licensing') if it the money simply obtained through general taxation. However, successive governments appear to have have rejected that idea.
There is also the issue that the BBC don't want such a move. At present, they have what is to a large extent independent funding which removes most of the "you didn't push the agenda we wanted so we're cutting your funding" ability of politicians to manipulate them. Yes the government does have a certain amount of influence, but nothing like controlling the funding tap would do.
By thinking about the underlying problem and looking at the things being said by those in the vanguard of smart metering.
And most of what is being said is a load of ... rubbish. Hi-light what is really a non-problem that they can solve - while ignoring the real reason for putting them in.
They are not trying to minimise their sales. The issue is that they do not have enough to sell.
More to the point, they are being TOLD to fit them. It's costing them a lot of money - and it makes them unpopular when they put their prices up to pay for them - and the only benefit the energy suppliers get is remote reading.
You have to realise that the electricity supply industry is not "one outfit". The way things are run means that the different generators make decisions based on what's best for them - while being screwed over by overt and covert costs of renewables. The results of these effects is that many companies have decided to close generator plants - especially gas turbines which have been left unviable.
The economics goes something like this : As a generator, you have to bid to supply the pool. If you don't bid low enough then you don't get to be called. Meanwhile, intermittent sources like windmills get priority - everything they can make goes into the grid even if it's not needed. Apparently, at times across Europe it possible for the price to go negative

As a gas turbine operator, you are expected to take up the variations in demand - starting/stopping/varying output very frequently. The result of this is that your turbines suffer badly from thermal cycling stresses which puts up your maintenance costs) while only being called upon to supply a limited amount of power at peak times (thus limiting your income) - not a recipe for profits.
Coal doesn't fare any better with huge costs for CO
2 emissions.
And nuclear has been kicked down the road for so long by multiple governments that it's not going to be online any time soon.
So with generating plants shutting down - some because they are simply end of life, some because the economics don't work - the figures show that there are likely to be times when we simply do not have enough lecky to go round. Step up "smart" meters, which are primarily to reduce demand at peak times - by pricing people out of using it. Obviously people aren't going to take these if they know the truth, so the industry is forced to put out a lot of bull***t PR and hard selling to get them out, and they are doing this because the government has told them to under pain of major penalties - and that is enacting some bo***cks from Europe.
It's not about people saving money - that's just the bull***t that ignorant politicians seem to believe - it's about rationing. If hiking the price 5 fold or 10 fold doesn't reduce demand enough, then the rolling blackouts start - and all "smart" meters have remote disconnect facility so they can do the rolling blackouts on house by house rather than block by block as in the 70s.
Crude price manipulation like that for electricity would be very unpopular.
But it's what's going to happen. The prime function is the reverse of economy 7 type tariffs - peak time price hikes specifically to discourage use when people want to use it (how daft wanting to cook dinner at dinner time !)