Neither does the joint IET/BSI Technical Committee JPEL/64, but then NICEIC have long thought that they are empowered to write their own version of the Wiring Regulations.
Until 1992 when BSi put their stamp on the IEE as was then IET as it is now I suppose anyone could write there own set of regulations.
I have a CITB guide to 15th edition and I know the union also did their guide it did not have to be the IET's guide.
But we it would seem only have one exam and so one qualification to show we can read the book. C&G 2382 is all about reading the IET publications no other.
I wish the C&G 2382 asked questions which showed you could interpret the regulations not just read similar to the way C&G 2391 did.
The idea of the codes was to make it easier for a layman to work out how bad the installation is and highlight those items which need immediate work and those which can be done within the next 6 months or so.
When the codes were reduced from 4 to 3 again it was to make it easier for the layman.
Filling a report with codes which all refer to the same fault does not to my mind make it easier for the layman.
Where there is no RCD nearly every entry will have code 3 or with bathroom code 2 and to my mind the method used of placing these codes against every entry is very misleading to the layman and does the reverse to what was intended.
To write a report starting with:-
1) Consumer unit code 2 and 3 RCD protection missing.
and then continue.
2) Sockets etc etc etc also see 1)
Rather than repeat the missing RCD again and again would be a far more useful format.
Yes I know you could wire a house with Ali-tube cable and put all the RCD's at the sockets plus a RCD FCU for bathroom lights but it would be very unusual to wire that way.
It is the same with earth connections. Where an earth rod is missing to then code every socket and lamp because the ELI is not good enough just does not help.
Maybe when asked to do an EICR on a house with no RCD and/or no earth connection the report should simply say. "No RCD protection fitted and/or no earth protection fitted inspection aborted until faults corrected"?